Weekly Complaint Thread – 31 August 2023

It’s the weekly complaint thread! Time to get anything off your chest that’s been bugging you or pissing you off.

Remain civil and be nice to other commenters (even try to help).

* No politics
* No complaints about users of JapanLife

  1. I don’t know why but since coming back from the US visiting my parents two weeks ago I’ve been an absolute wreck. I thought I had a life plan and was fine before the trip. I was going to an online university and studying for more qualifications, but I’ve started to doubt whether it’s worth it or whether, even if I finish, I’ll be able to do anything. I don’t know what the trigger was but since getting back I’ve begun to doubt everything. I’m nearly 30 and have no experience or skills besides Japanese (I know, I know, typical ALT). I’m starting to lose hope in my future and I’ve been crying nearly every day. I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up.

  2. Changed jobs recently and had the joyful experience of informing immigration online,

    I cannot fathom how in 20 fucking 23 there are government run website that require full width and half width characters in different fields on the same page.

    Name needs to be half width, addresses need to be full width. Already annoyed but ok, copy and paste company address from their homepage and change the numbers and dashes to full width. Page rejects the input. Getting irritated but do it again, same result.

    This time I rewrite the entire address manually and it accepts it. Apparently the kanji was somehow being regarded as half width, despite looking the exact same? Until now I didn’t even realize Japanese characters could be full or half width, I thought it was only for symbols and romaji etc,

    At this point I just want to know why. If anyone has experience with programming Japanese websites, I’d honestly love to understand why these kind of things are still an issue. I know nothing about programming, but is there really no way to have a system just accept either full or half width without needing to make a distinction? I just don’t understand how computers have been able to convert hiragana to kanji since forever but literally cannot comprehend that a letter of different widths could be the same.

  3. Hoikuen is now just being petty to be petty.

    On the renrakucho I always give an estimated time I will arrive to pick up by (which is within their required times for summer vacation, and for longer care when I’m working normally). I am ALMOST ALWAYS early by more than 10 minutes.

    However last week I had to extend by an hour do to feeling sick briefly before I left. I let them know ahead of time, and it was still before 6pm.

    I don’t just run late and stroll in. I’ve only had to use the extended times 3-4 times and majority were from work.

    Principal was harassing me again yesterday about the paperwork my boss didn’t correct and said I *need* to show up at 4:30 and I said I will. Asshole legit said “well you were late last week so we can’t believe that”.

    Did I mention drop-off and pick-times on the dot are sent to our emails and notifications? Want to be petty? I will show you EVERY DAY SINCE APRIL. Count how many extensions I ended up using. Please. Go on.

    Don’t start problems just to have problems.

  4. Got covid and spent the last 5 days in isoluation. First time ever after working hard to isolate the past 3.5 years. Mostly recovered, but still feel fatigued. Hope this doesn’t last too long.

  5. After getting tonisilits twice back to back within a month and taking antibiotics twice for each time, I seem to have the white patches and slight sourness in the throat again. So this time I went to see an expert doctor(ent) who said it’s nothing bad, and I shouldnt worry much? Wtf? He Prescribed anti inflammatory stuff but said it’s not looking very abnormal? I literally can see multiple white patches, swelling and can feel pain while swallowing. So why would an expert doctor say nothing to worry? what kind of doctor should I see next?

  6. Australia beat Japan in a Basketball world cup game. In the post game highlights, not one Australian play was shown. I get that this is Japan and I’ve grown up on Cricket and Australian Rules in which bias is frowned upon but this was ridiculous.

  7. Fucking idiots taking up all the cardio machines in my gym but not actually doing anything to break a sweat! *Walking* while pissing around on their phones, leisurely cycling while reading a fucking magazine….fuck off and let people who actually want to break a sweat use the damn machines. I swear I almost never see any Japanese people even breaking a sweat on any of the machines. Are gyms in Japan more of a place to just chill and kick back?

  8. Complaint about the Kirby Cafe.

    Finally after literally months of trying I finally could get a reservation for the Kirby cafe. The reservation process is ridiculous. Only one chance per month to make a reservation and all the time slots go instantly. Otherwise you have to stalk the website to hoping to grab a cancellation. They have acknowledged on Twitter that resellers (and possibly bots) are a problem but do absolutely nothing to rectify the issue apart from making people show them their ID when they come to the cafe. The resellers don’t get punished, they still get their money while the people stupid enough to buy from them miss out.

    I have been to many character/collab cafes and never encountered such bullshit. Change the reservation process like charging a reservation fee that can be redeemed, which also stops flakey people doing no-shows. Or be a first come, first served basis where you get a numbered ticket and will notify you when it’s your turn.

    /end rambling

  9. One big bummer about being in Japan is that Xbox isn’t that popular and thus one of my favorite games isn’t that popular. It’s so hard to find a Halo infinite match online. I even contacted 343 and they’re like “yeah, sucks to not be playing on US servers doesn’t it?”

    At least gamepass is a decent price

  10. Another one:

    I’m aware it’s all for corona, but keeping the windows open in the middle of the baking heat has to end. It’s 35 degrees outside and the school still insists on having the windows open because the CO2 detector the BOE bought for every single classroom in the city is reading too high. It’s gotta be 30 degrees in the classroom, I have no idea how these kids are expected to be able to learn anything.

    And then the teachers come down to the staff room and complain that “the classrooms are so hot, the air conditioning isn’t working at all!” Just insane.

  11. Our company is merging with/ buying/ forming a holding company/etc with another company, so we have access to their Nihonbashi office. My team is basically getting moved there, which is great because its cuts my commute in half rather than going out into the burbs. Our manager still goes to the old office half the time, but most of the staff is in the new office most of the time.

    My complaint is that out team shares our schedule every week including which office we’ll be in, but my manager’s schedule of which office he will be in is unreliable to a hilarious degree, to the point that it isn’t even worth consulting. The last few days have actually been the precise opposite of what he shared at the begging of the week. I get that plans change and if bucho calls you have to go, but its a bit ridiculous.

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