Itinerary check: How much time is enough in Nagano/Kurobe Gorge/Kanazawa?

Heading to Japan Sept 13-Oct 11 (arriving in Tokyo Sept 14, flying from Tokyo Oct 11). Here is my itinerary, please help me make sure it is comfortably doable:

_**7 nights (Sept 14-21): Tokyo**_ *(Hotel booked)*

-Have a smattering of things to do here, the plan is to roughly visit one neighborhood a day (based near Ueno station)

_**2 nights (Sept 21-23): Hakone**_ ***(Hotels booked)***

-First night in Yumoto, plan to spend it sightseeing

-Second night in Hananoyado Fukuya Onsen

_**5 nights (Sept 23-28): Kyoto**_ ***(Hotel booked)***

-Shrines, shrines, and more shrines. Taking in the beauty of the city and Japanese history and culture.

-Staying in traditional machiya home (AirBNB)

-Includes a day trip to Nara

_**4 nights (Sept 28-Oct 1): Osaka**_ _***(Hotel booked for first two nights, forgot the last night!)***_

-Not exactly sure yet what to do here other than eat and drink, but obviously the city is full of amazing things to do. Should I spend an extra day or so here?

-Since I haven’t booked the last night yet, open to staying in Kobe/Kurashiki/similar on the way to Hiroshima

_**1 night: Hiroshima/Miyajima**_ ***(Hotel booked)***

-Seeing a baseball game in Hiroshima, in addition to sightseeing

-Spending the night on Miyajima, with plan to sightsee the next morning

1 night (Oct 2-3): Head back to Osaka (Kobe? Kurashiki?) *(Not booked)*

-Heading back toward Osaka this day, but not sure if I should spend the night in Kurashiki or Kobe instead. Recommendations?

_**1 night (Oct 3-4): Magome/Tsumago**_ *(Hotel booked)*

-Head from previous destination to Magome. Staying overnight in Magome before hiking to Tsumago the next day

_**1 night (Oct 4-5): Magome-Tsumago hike + Shibu onsen**_ **(Not booked)**

-Hike from Magome to Tsumago, at a leisurely pace

-After arriving in Tsumago, take the bus to Nagiso station and head toward Shibu onsen to spend the night

***1 night (Oct 5-6): Snow monkey park + Kurobe Gorge (Not booked)***

-Spend the morning in Snow Monkey Park

-Head toward Kurobe Gorge Railway. **Is this a doable day trip on the way to Kanazawa or would this be exhausting?** Either spend the night at Kuronagi Onsen or head toward Kanazawa.

EDIT: Open to cheaper accommodation around Kurobe (eg Unazuki) as well if it seems too much to head back to Kanazawa that night

***3 nights (Oct 6-9): Kanazawa (Not booked)***

-Don’t know much about this place but it seems to be well-loved

***2 nights (Oct 9-11): Tokyo (Not booked)***

-Finish up on some last minute shopping/sightseeing and fly home.


How exhausting would this be? The last leg of the trip looks doable to me but let me know if it can be done comfortably. Open to suggestions. I will be buying a JR rail pass so routes that can optimize it are preferred. Some of my interests and priorities:

-Big flashy cities

-Great restaurants (open to all kinds of foods), especially cheap ones

-Local delicacies


-Nature/hiking (especially mountains)

-Onsen ryokan is a must-do with great preference for remote open-air resorts. Currently looking at places like here or here or here. Another big plus for private in-room onsen.

-Shrines, temples, shinto/buddhist landmarks

-Urban design and lovely transport

-Traditional Japanese architecture

-Oddities, strange places, unconventional attractions

-Cool thrift stores

-Vending machines

Much appreciated!

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