Quick Goshuin Check


Just got back from a 15 day excursion and LOVED every minute! After collecting a bunch of Goshuin and getting settled back home I noticed that one page seems to be upside down and there’s another loose page I can’t recall obtaining.

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Are any other pages in my book upside down? I think it’s only the Namba Yasaka shrine (2nd from left end), but I wanted to be sure.

What is the final page with the lion border? Is it just the insert to prevent the ink from bleeding?

Thanks! Many safe travels!

1 comment
  1. > Are any other pages in my book upside down?

    It’s only the one goshuin that’s upside down. It almost seems like you possibly handed the book to someone the wrong way around or they opened it the wrong way around and placed that goshuin on the “first” page from that side. Almost like they were starting a blank book. Hence why it’s upside down compare to the string of other goshuin.

    > What is the final page with the lion border? Is it just the insert to prevent the ink from bleeding?

    The final page says “大阪城” in the middle, which is [Osaka Castle](https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e4000.html). I think it’s a castle stamp? I’ve never seen one myself, as I only collect goshuin. Although the date hasn’t been filled out (the year/month/day part is blank).

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