Summer sickness / Fever

Hi guys, just wondering,
I got a high fever last week. My wife got high fever several days ago.
We had covid test, it was negative.

Some of my coworkers are also sharing that they have/had fever lately.

For context, we are working remotely, so it’s not because of work.

This is only my 1st year living in Japan, but I remember last summer not this bad.

Do you guys also experience the same?
By the way, take care everyone!

  1. Hubby was just pointing out to me yesterday that apparently, the average recorded temperature for August 2022 (for our city) was 28 degrees, but this year, over 20 days this month have come in at 35… so it definitely is hotter this year than last

  2. I just recovered from almost 2 weeks of the summer flu– on and off high fever. It was ROUGH. Also not covid.. just had to soothe the symptoms and ride it out. In my current workplace people are getting sick too. Quite common during peak temperatures [summer and winter]. Odaijini!

  3. My son (who is not in hoikusho) caught a bug. High fever, a rash, and a bad sore throat. They did a covid/influenza test at the hospital and it came back negative. He was down and out for a few days, but he’s okay now.


  4. Bf and I experienced the same thing. Bf caught it first but he was working remotely then eventually I got it because we’re living together, it’s been 5 days and my cough and runny nose hasn’t subsided yet it’s really rough.

  5. Could very well be allergies, other things related to sinus infections etc. And, of course, the heat. Clean your AC, consider wearing a mask when you bicycle, wash your face when you arrive at home as well as your hands.

  6. When we got the covid test, my response on the test was weak and the line was barely visible, and my wife’s test was negative. However, when we did the PCR test, it turned out positive.

    Covid is rampant these days. It’s best to visit a clinic and get properly tested for both covid and influenza instead of relying on home test kits.

  7. I seem to get sick around this time every year for about a month. No fever, just plugged up sinuses and coughing up heaps of phlegm. I went to the nose/throat doctor and my throat doesn’t hurt anymore (still coughing up phlegm though, but a lot less) but my sinuses are still a mess. 2 years ago I had allergy tests ran and nothing came up.

  8. Influenza’s been going around along with Covid. Also it’s possible to get sick from too much a/c, although the signs would be more obvious with excessive coughing and diarrhea. I get it every summer lol

  9. Yeah, since this covid shit everything is weird.
    I got covid end of July, was fucked for three days but at the hospital they told me the flu was around as well. Thank you, China.

  10. Everyone I know has been sick with either Covid or non Covid fever/colds recently

  11. I must admit. I’m glad to read this post. Been feeling like absolute crap for the last two days. I had Covid in July last year, and tbh, the symptoms this time felt similar to what I felt while having Covid. I did an Antigen rapid test stick at home (99.4% reliability) today. Negative. I’m just wondering whether to go to the doctor for another type of test. Or just battle in with it. I can’t really take any time off work. So I guess I’ll have to muscle thru..

  12. Covid is definitely going around especially with people traveling out of the country during obon. And with less masks around but people coughing without covering covid, the flu, and whatever else is spreading more easily.

  13. Wow, I had a fever yesterday and today and it’s interesting to hear that so many people are experiencing this at the same time. I did go running a few days ago right before sundown, and I haven’t run in a while, so I think the heat had much to do with it. My doctor also said a lot of people in the area were getting sick so he asked for me to take a COVID test but it came out negative.

  14. Almost everyone at work, my family plus myself all had a fever in the last couple weeks. Doctor said it’s RSV.

  15. There are a couple of things going around right now, COVID, flu, rsv, hmpv, they can have a fever for a few days.

  16. Oh damn, i guess this summer sickness is quite common. I thought I was the only one getting randomly sick. Granted i am getting light fever symptoms, so nothing crazy, but coworkers are also getting pretty sick too.

  17. A friend had a fever recently, went to the doctor and it wasn’t covid, was diagnosed with heatstroke instead.

  18. Had a 2 day high fever. couple people around had it, but none of the standard covid symptoms and tests were negative. Diarhea, cough with sinuses. The stomache part makes me think it is probably just a bit of influenza. My experience with covid has been far more along the lines of headache, loss of taste, very high fever. Flu fever was 38.1~3 C, Covid fever was around 39 C when I got it.

    Fever started around a thursday evening, friday morning it was high enough to be concerning, and stayed high through saturday, so stayed home 4 days until fever was gone.

  19. Two part time teachers at my school and I all had the same symptoms: chills and high fever that hit like a truck after being fine the entire day. All of us were out for an entire week. Clearly someone’s parents put their kid back in our classes too early…

  20. My infant has had both RSV and hMPV this summer. Tested positive and immediately hospitalised due to age. Both times presented with high fever, irritability, cough, runny nose, etc. Makes me worried about winter now, if this is summer. Take care of yourselves. Not much can be done for adults really, other than medicine and rest. Get well soon!

  21. Got it bad at the end of July, high fever for two days, felt crappy for five, settled in my sinuses and I had a cough that’s only cleared up literally this week. Tested negative on a home test so it could have been the flu, but I didn’t do the PCR so who knows what it could have been.

  22. In these ~3y, this month is the first time I caught covid. My fever lasted 3 days but I passed it to my wife and she took an antigen test which was positive. I’ve heard about false negatives from antigen tests but not false positives. PCR should give the accurate result, but we just stayed home isolated in the room and let it run its course.

    We never stopped wearing masks and disinfecting but it finally caught us… Luckily our newborn managed to avoid it 😥

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