Hi everyone, i was thinking to start this business, im not expecting a large income but maybe in the the long time can be usefull. Do you have any suggestion where to start? which company should i contact? if you have any usefull link can you share it?
thanks for your time.
To be honest. I was thinking this also. I have a good job in Japan. But never hurts to have a second stream if income.
Found out how to do this in Canada. But now that I’m in the land if vending machines. Probably time to start.
You mean renting a vending machine? I have a vending machine in front of my business and get 15% of profits.
Don’t. There was a post a few years ago that broke it down.
Just throw that money into a total market index fund and you’ll make much much more than a single vending machine.
EDIT: here we go
We had a bunch of drink machines around our business set up by the in laws, when we arrived in Japan. The electricity bills were higher than the profits (cold drinks in summer, hot drinks in winter), so we scaled down to two. More modern machines use less electricity than the old ones, but you won’t get rich quick; it’s a bit of beer money at most, if you only have one location and it’s not opposite a train station or some such great place.
Else it’s painless. You give the place and the electricity, and they do all the work, and give you a (negotiable) part of the turnover. Just look for their trucks, when they are filling up the machines. They usually have their phone number/www written on them. Try a few and see, what they offer.