Osaka vs Tokyo: Cost of Living as a MEXT Scholar


Hello all! I hope everyone is doing well. I don’t know if this is the right place to ask, and I already posted something similar to the MEXT subreddit.

I’m an embassy recommended MEXT scholar, applying for a masters, and I have been able to secure acceptance in Osaka University and The Univerisity of Tokyo. I’m having a tough time deciding on my preference, and there are many factors that I’m taking into account. One of my concerns is the cost of living.

Tokyo is for sure the most expensive city in Japan, and while Osaka is advertised as cheaper, it is still a major city and I doubt it’s that much cheaper. I would really like to know, from previous scholars and people who work there, what their experience is.

Is a 144,000 yen stipend enough by itself? If not, does getting a part time job really make a difference? How easy is it to live in areas around the major cities, or even in neighboring areas where the acommodations are cheaper? Is it easy to get a university dorm, and are they cheaper than other options?

Some info about me: I’m personally not a big spender, even in my home country. My interests generally don’t cost much, and products/items I buy for myself last forever. I’ll be bringing a lot of clothes from home (I’m plus sized and don’t want to deal with the tiny Japanese sizes), so I don’t think I’ll be buying tons of clothes there. I have been cooking for my whole family for almost 10 years, and I’m pretty good and quick with it. I’m also generally good at budgeting. I don’t have any extravagent goals like going out everyday, or even every week. I would like to travel within Japan during long breaks (so 1-2 times a year maybe), but it’s not a must. I also don’t drink or anything like that. If it matters, I stick to a Halal diet, and I’m not sure how that would affect the cost of my groceries.

TLDR: I have to chose between the University of Tokyo and Osaka University. How different is the cost of living in Tokyo and Osaka? Is a 144,000 yen stipend enough to live a modest life? What are ways to cut down on costs such as accomodation? I’ll be doing my own research, but I’d like some advice from others.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Osaka vs Tokyo: Cost of Living as a MEXT Scholar**


    Hello all! I hope everyone is doing well. I don’t know if this is the right place to ask, and I already posted something similar to the MEXT subreddit.

    I’m an embassy recommended MEXT scholar, applying for a masters, and I have been able to secure acceptance in Osaka University and The Univerisity of Tokyo. I’m having a tough time deciding on my preference, and there are many factors that I’m taking into account. One of my concerns is the cost of living.

    Tokyo is for sure the most expensive city in Japan, and while Osaka is advertised as cheaper, it is still a major city and I doubt it’s that much cheaper. I would really like to know, from previous scholars and people who work there, what their experience is.

    Is a 144,000 yen stipend enough by itself? If not, does getting a part time job really make a difference? How easy is it to live in areas around the major cities, or even in neighboring areas where the acommodations are cheaper? Is it easy to get a university dorm, and are they cheaper than other options?

    Some info about me: I’m personally not a big spender, even in my home country. My interests generally don’t cost much, and products/items I buy for myself last forever. I’ll be bringing a lot of clothes from home (I’m plus sized and don’t want to deal with the tiny Japanese sizes), so I don’t think I’ll be buying tons of clothes there. I have been cooking for my whole family for almost 10 years, and I’m pretty good and quick with it. I’m also generally good at budgeting. I don’t have any extravagent goals like going out everyday, or even every week. I would like to travel within Japan during long breaks (so 1-2 times a year maybe), but it’s not a must. I also don’t drink or anything like that. If it matters, I stick to a Halal diet, and I’m not sure how that would affect the cost of my groceries.

    TLDR: I have to chose between the University of Tokyo and Osaka University. How different is the cost of living in Tokyo and Osaka? Is a 144,000 yen stipend enough to live a modest life? What are ways to cut down on costs such as accomodation? I’ll be doing my own research, but I’d like some advice from others.

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  2. Osaka has slightly higher goods/services cost of living than Tokyo (highest in the country), but significantly lower housing costs. Overall, your yen will always go further outside of Tokyo because of housing. 144,000 is very tough but doable with a part-time student job, share house, and/or good budgeting and self-control. Expect a very long commute to school, though. Travel can be cheap if you are willing to do hostels and go off-season or to less popular destinations.

  3. 144000 stipend is more than enough. I spent around that much but 60k for language school tuition.

    dont party and dont eat out often.

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