Ikea Japan failed to pay workers for suit-up time since 2006

Ikea Japan failed to pay workers for suit-up time since 2006


  1. >_”We’re aware of the growing social awareness about the changing time, and will introduce the new rule based on our talks with the labor standards inspection office.”_

    Also known as – “We still don’t want to do this, but enough people have noticed, and we will look bad if we don’t do the right thing.”

  2. Government happy to make examples of large foreign companies. McDs got sued for unpaid overtime and lost the case by so-called “managers”. Went to the Supreme Court. I met the lawyer who lost the case.

  3. Thought this was common? … wait, lemme change my question. This is *illegal?*

    Even the school I work at told us to change our clothes before clocking in. It was clearly stated in the employment rules&regulations thingy, and they follow the labour laws better than any other company I’ve worked at.

    Just recently, from April this year they changed the rule and said you can change into your uniform after clocking in (note: still, not *have to* but *can* – a lot of people don’t though)

  4. Lol. I used to work in the US for a retailer. One guy would go next door to Jack in the Box, the come back and then clock out for his hour lunch. Lol. I just had to laugh. I didn’t care cuz he worked in a different department

  5. Just to share my experience, when I worked in Subway in Japan, I never clocked in before changing into full uniform.

    Also for anyone considering to work in Subway, there’s no receipt to track orders, so I really don’t recommend (esp lunch hours) (ノД`)・゜・。

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