Daily Boss Super Premium Deluxe Stupid Questions Thread – 30 August 2023

Now daily! Feel free to ask any silly stupid questions or not-so-silly stupid questions that you haven’t had a chance to ask here. Be kind to those that do and try to answer without downvoting. Please keep criticism and snide remarks out of the thread.

  1. Okay dumb question. I’m going to go meet the fiance’s parents soon and let them know that this foreigner plans to marry their daughter and move abroad sometime in the near future before deciding where to settle down.

    I heard from the fiance that, while unlikely the dad is going to give issues (she’s seen them have issue with the older siblings who were japanese and seemed more well off).

    I asked before about what to bring/do and got some good advice and laughs, we’ll probably go through with it regardless but I know it means something to her so I’d like to know what I hypothetically should prepare.

    → What if I go there and they say no? what should I be doing. has anyone had to do the whole “but please” dance?

  2. Re: volunteer firefighting brigade (消防団)

    I was wondering if anyone with visas and are not permanent residents needed permission from immigration to join the volunteer firefighter brigade. I have been searching in English and mainly Japanese and cannot get a definitive answer.

    It’s volunteer of course, but is also complicated by a basic stipend and payments for dispatches.

    If anyone can shed any light on the situation, it would be most appreciated. Thank you.

  3. So I sent my banking information to the city hall for the 30,000 yen subsidy but I was wondering if I can get a notification that the money went in or do I just keep checking my account? XD I don’t have online banking.

  4. Seeing COVID cases rise in other countries, I think we will see another spike soon. It’s been a year since my fourth shot, which was *not* bivalent. Should I get the bivalent or is there a new vaccine coming out soon that I should wait for?

  5. Is it normal for cops to show up around 10 and ask to fill up the form stating name, phone number?
    Early morning a cop showed up, and handed me a form and informed its necessary to contact during trouble or disaster or theft or anything.
    He didnt ask but I showed him our (me and wife) id and he wrote our name, phone number, id number and visa expiration date. Is it normal to keep the record of id number and exp date too? I know i shouldnt have just show our id when he was only asking for name and phone number.
    When leaving he presented a brochure on what to do when theft happens or how there has been a scam call and whom to contact during that time and all..

  6. if i already have a work visa, and have had more than one (renewed) over the course of several yrs, why would a company ask me to get a certificate of eligibility for employment?

    edit: first mistake was searching in english, as there’s multiple kinds of “certificate of eligibility” and that made it more confusing. what i need is the 就労資格証明書 from immigration. i’ve muddled thru moj’s long-winded japanese explanation and it seems it’s like a background check to both confirm the employee has qualifications to do specific work as well as permission from the govt to do that work. correct me if i’m wrong, plz.

  7. What canned tuna do japanese people usually buy? Closest to the tuna I‘m used to I found that isn‘t too expensive is the Hagoromo. Is that considered good or bad tuna?

  8. Is it worth it to get JLPT N1? I’m thinking of studying for it just because I need to improve and brush up on my Japanese but paying for the exam and going to the center is a pain in the butt. Do employers even care about N1? (I have N2)

  9. There’s a shit tonne of cinemas across Tokyo showing all kinds of new/old/obscure movies. Is there a site that aggregates them all? I don’t want to have to check each independent cinema’s site to avoid missing out on something. Help appreciated!

  10. Anyone here preorder stuff off rakuten? I’ve preordered off Amazon and you’re not charged until it ships. Is it the same from rakuten?

  11. Hey guys, going to be an exchange student in Japan at Waseda U and was wondering things I should bring (especially things that would be cheaper to buy in the USA and bring)? My dorm is Wakeijuku in case anyone has ever been there, and they have communal showers.

    Was also wondering if I should get a SUICA or a PASMO card, and if those can be recharged online. Thanks for your help!

  12. Does “package details sent ahead to customs” indicate it has been flagged and I might not get it? It’s been stuck on this update since 8/25. I ordered something with an image from the 1970’s that may still be under copyright. I just didn’t think about it when I ordered it >_<

  13. Any news on Oppenheimer showing here yet? I haven’t checked any japanese sources but really hope we get the chance to see it in theaters still.

  14. Gonna need glasses. It’s a completely new thing for me. Spoke to a few friends. One went to an eye clinic and got his prescription, then had glasses made. Another just went to Daiso and tried on their glasses until he found what worked. Anyone got good ideas?

    Also, are eye tests and glasses covered on insurance?

  15. Can a company force you to use your break time at a certain time of day?

    I tried looking it up but all I found was info about the length of breaks. I understand the potential reasoning behind it, just wondering about legality.

  16. What’s with the hype of shine muscat? Of the ones I’ve tried, they taste like a typical grape. I’ve only bought the ones that are sold with additional discount due to being not fresh. Are the extra expensive fresh ones that much extra tasty or something?

  17. Can anyone recommend a router to cover a 2 story 4LDK detached house? Ideally I wanted to run cables to the second floor but its rental and after having an electrician friend look at it, it seems like it wouldn’t be all that straightforward. I currently have a 5 year old Netgear Nighthawk that gives me decent coverage but it doesn’t seem to work anymore when I want to run two separate channels in 2.4 and 5ghz. Anything more modern I should consider that is easily available here? I have softbank Hikari.

  18. Has anyone done online 内見 before? Just curious about the experience.

    Before the mods get all uppity and go to delete this post for not being a resident: I am returning *as a resident* and getting a new apartment. As in, I have residency in Japan but not a physical living place so I will need to get a temporary or new long term place after going back. I’m **not moving** to Japan, I am returning to Japan, my place of residence, after a short hiatus away.

    (Sorry I have to spell that out so bluntly, I had a previous post deleted for the same misunderstanding.)

    We decided to not get a temporary apartment to save on some money and the headache of moving twice in a short period, especially since our next place will likely be only about 1 year max so it doesn’t have to be exactly perfect. We just want a place that looks good on paper and photos and won’t murder us with fees so just some place with no 礼金 and minimal bullshit fees.

    My main concern with going that route is just how fast we can move it along. For example, if we can find a place that is available for our move in date, and pre-pay all the necessary fees, are there any agencies where we can show up, sign the papers and get the keys on the same date? Or virtually sign? (doubt it) Or will we still be stuck having to rent out a hotel or rental while the slow ass paperwork gets done?

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