Thousands rally in Seoul to protest Fukushima water release | Yonhap News Agency

Thousands rally in Seoul to protest Fukushima water release | Yonhap News Agency

  1. How about the Kori nuclear plant? People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones etc.

    “Nuclear power plants worldwide have routinely discharged water containing tritium for over 60 years without harm to people or the environment, most at higher levels than the 22 TBq per year planned for Fukushima.

    For comparison the Kori nuclear plant in South Korea discharged 91 TBq in 2019, more than four times the planned Fukushima discharge”

  2. I always ask this question, but have there been any alternative proposals for destroying this water?

    For example, it would be very expensive, but antimatter annihilation would remove the atoms from reality.

  3. Didn’t they just find out a few years ago that their own nuclear waste water wasn’t treated any better? Kinda feels too early to bring this topic up to rally up support. I mean people do have brains ya know.

  4. Thousands don’t understand the science of why this isnt really a problem and refuse to educate themselves.

    This is just more Japan bad propaganda.

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