Was there an update to Japan’s Invoice System?

EDIT: So I found this [https://www.nta.go.jp/english/taxes/consumption\_tax/pdf/2021/simplified\_15.pdf](https://www.nta.go.jp/english/taxes/consumption_tax/pdf/2021/simplified_15.pdf)

I’ll need a Registration Number and Consumption Tax Amount Categorized By Tax Rate. I still don’t know what these are, but, will get into it, if anyone what’s to share some answers meanwhile, that would be helpful.



Hello everyone, got a bit of an issue here.

When sending my latest invoice, I was told that the invoice system has been recently updated, and now I need to add some kind of… Invoice Number?

Is this just: Invoice#0001, or, something else? Like, a personal number I need to ask at the tax office.

My workplace doesn’t really understand this too, and we’re kinda trying to figure out what it is. Any help? Suggestions?

  1. it can be anything. i usually just use today’s date+ counter.
    like 2022080810 etc. it’s free form. some places require a number for their records, i guess.

  2. Uh, wouldn’t that be company-specific?

    An invoice for what?

    I don’t know.

    Edit: Added I don’t know.

  3. The laws changing next year companies will be required to store digital invoices and they probably need invoice numbers to be able to file easier. It can be anything but when u revise the invoice u should use same number plus -01 or something. And the same number shouldn’t be reused, there are services for this but if u don’t send out that many invoices excel might work.

  4. Starting from October 2023, in order to get the full deduction of consumption tax on purchases to offset consumption tax owed on sales, the purchase receipt or invoice will require a consumption tax number to be included.

    The period to apply for these numbers opens in October 2022, so there is no action to be taken yet. From October 2023 the deduction on 10% consumption tax items without a consumption tax registration number will be reduced to 8%, then later to 5%, then eventually 0%.

    This is essentially to force most currently exempt smaller businesses into the consumption tax system, so those of you with businesses of revenues under 10 million yen a year have some hard choices to make about joining this system. Do you want to take the consumption tax hit on your revenues? Will your customers tolerate your invoices not being deductible for consumption tax?

  5. Technically you have been required to specify different tax rates since October 2019 (I think the specific rule is about making it very clear how much is being paid in tax, and in which categories).

    There are also extra changes regarding record keeping and the like, and from next year there are even more requirements (namely having to put a registered tax ID).

    [Here](https://www.makeleaps.jp/special/invoice-about/) is a description of evolving requirements. Honestly if you only have a handful of clients I would highly recommending using something like MakeLeaps to just have stuff “do the right thing” (disclaimer: I used to work there).

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