Night bus from Tokyo-Kamikochi – logistics?

Hi all,

Am visiting Japan for the second time in October. As part of this trip I’m planning a cross-country route from Tokyo – Kamikochi – Takayama – Kanazawa over the course of about 5 days with overnight stays in each.

To save time, I have booked the night bus from Shinkjuku to Kamikochi, but am unclear about a few aspects:

\- The bus arrives in Kamikochi at around 5:30am. Will most hotels allow me to drop my bags at reception when I arrive so I can wander around unburdened? If not, what are my alternatives?

\- What do most people who get the night bus do post arrival until morning proper, given that presumably it’d be too dark to start hiking immediately and nowhere will be open to sit?

\- Do the buses have a hold for large luggage as well as allowing carry-ons?

Thanks in advance for your help. I’ve contacted the hotel on point 1 but worried my question will get lost in translation so wanted to get takes from anyone on this sub who’s been in the same position.

  1. Won’t be too dark, it’s a great time to start hiking, i.e. you could be done by the time the masses arrive. On the other hand the monkeys will probably still sit in the middle of the trail because you’re the first to get there.

  2. Luggage storage at the terminal and people start their hikes. Lots of long ones where you need to start that early.

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