Opinions on semester abroad vs only in Japan, and on different uni choices (computer science related masters)


I am currently about to finish my final year of my bachelors degree in computer science in the Netherlands, and I am trying to apply to universities in Japan for my master. I am a non-Japanese national. This post has two question, please feel free to answer either (or both) of them:

1) What are your recommendations regarding which uni I should study at for CS related masters (including cybersecurity, IoT, etc., but not really into AI that much)? I am considering Tokyo University, Osaka University, Tohoku University, and Kyushu University. (side question for Osaka University: why do they have a CS degree offered in the Graduate School of Engineering Science, and also under the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology?!)

2) What is a better career path: to study in the Netherlands and go to Japan for a semester abroad, or to do my masters in Japan? My end goal is to get a job in Japan. I have seen people make comments similar to, “the quality of education from English programs in Japan are not as high as other first-world countries, so just do the semester abroad, get some years of work experience, and then get a job in Japan.” Thoughts on this take?

Another side question: why are Japanese uni websites so hard to follow and find information? There is an abundance of words on every page and document, all in this old-timey font. It makes the research and application process very frustrating.

Thanks a bunch, looking forward to any answers.

1 comment
  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Opinions on semester abroad vs only in Japan, and on different uni choices (computer science related masters)**


    I am currently about to finish my final year of my bachelors degree in computer science in the Netherlands, and I am trying to apply to universities in Japan for my master. I am a non-Japanese national. This post has two question, please feel free to answer either (or both) of them:

    1) What are your recommendations regarding which uni I should study at for CS related masters (including cybersecurity, IoT, etc., but not really into AI that much)? I am considering Tokyo University, Osaka University, Tohoku University, and Kyushu University. (side question for Osaka University: why do they have a CS degree offered in the Graduate School of Engineering Science, and also under the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology?!)

    2) What is a better career path: to study in the Netherlands and go to Japan for a semester abroad, or to do my masters in Japan? My end goal is to get a job in Japan. I have seen people make comments similar to, “the quality of education from English programs in Japan are not as high as other first-world countries, so just do the semester abroad, get some years of work experience, and then get a job in Japan.” Thoughts on this take?

    Another side question: why are Japanese uni websites so hard to follow and find information? There is an abundance of words on every page and document, all in this old-timey font. It makes the research and application process very frustrating.

    Thanks a bunch, looking forward to any answers.

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