I was recently scouted by a Japanese design company after they had seen my portfolio online and asked me if I could speak with them. The company is a game and 3D design company that uses Unreal Engine etc.
I’ve never worked anything other than freelance in this industry, never for a Japanese company and always from home so I’m a bit anxious what I might be letting myself in for however that’s not the question.
I agreed to setup a Zoom call with them for next week and have been corresponding in English.
Has anyone had a Zoom call as a first step with a Japanese company before? How formal was it? If anyone works in the same industry here what should I be looking out for questions wise if that’s possible prepare for?
Defnitely treading out my comfortzone on this one but it would be silly not to even speak with them.
Thanks in advance!
It will vary from company to company but game companies tend to be more casual than others.
Dress nice and tidy, and just go with the flow. They like your work, so research a bit about their company and products so you can show interest.
Good luck.
I work in design, my interview was a zoom call mainly had to explain my portfolio and talk about my interests and ambitions. They also wanted to know what my perception was about their brand. All the best to you
The first interview with a Zoom call is very likely going to be you and their recruiter/HR. Most likely just a screening interview. They`ll introduce the company, the work they do and try to sell the company as an attractive place for you to work/join.
After they`ve done their sales pitch, they`ll go through your resume with you, talk about your past work experiences and get more in depth information about the work you`ve done. They`ll also likely ask about your current and/or expected salary at this point. Definitely prepare for this in advance, because once you`ve given a number, they`ll be damn sure to remember it and offer you either that number or just a little above that.
I`d prepare for the following questions in advance
* tell me about yourself(自己紹介)
* past experiences and skills you posses
* salary (whether it`s a figure or ways to deflect the question)
* whether you`re actively looking for a job or just keeping an ear out for good opportunities etc
If it`s a small company, they might have hiring managers sit in on the interview straightaway. That`s my experience interviewing with small companies pre-pandemic and in person. There`s usually only 1 interview and they often have the HR and hiring managers just do it all at once. But that`s pre-pandemic and in-person, so it might not be up-to-date anymore.
Good luck.
If they have seen you’re portfolio and have reached out, then you’re in a good place already.
Just a small piece of advice: wear pants, even if the webcam isn’t normally able to capture your lower body.