Weekly Praise Thread – 01 September 2023

It’s that time of the week again. Please boast and share about the good things that have happened to you this past week!

  1. It’s Autumn. Apart from lower temperatures, lots of beautiful nature is coming our way.

  2. Here are thanks for the library system in Setagaya: they’re air conditioned and have free Wi-Fi; some of them allow you to use outlets, too. We have spent a lot of time in them over the summer with our child’s summer homework and my own (remote) work. Our tax monies have been well used.

  3. * Looks like I have a new partner/client! They’ll send an agreement to review next week, and we should start working on a project together shortly after that

    * Worked my ass off on a proposal with my former company the past couple of weeks and we submitted yesterday. Everything looks good and we should get a high score. Looks like there’s a bit of fuckery going on though, but I hope it gets resolved with our proposal being officially accepted and scored appropriately. I’ll get paid for time regardless, and it was nice to see my former colleagues as well.

  4. My friend brought me some cheese from Costco. It is amazing. I may need to get a Costco membership and make the multi hour drive just for the cheese.

  5. Finally found a place that sells beyond beef in Japan. Made some chili with it and I’m impressed. Not 100% the same as actual beef, but still surprisingly good. Now if only it didn’t cost 2x what actual beef costs….

    Lol, downvoted because I said I like something others don’t like. Meat eaters have such fragile little egos.

  6. Tried the new 7/11 broccoli chicken sandwiches and the setoka tarts. Both are surprisingly good?? The tarts have a layer of custard underneath the marmalade and taste so good toasted, the sandwiches are 20g protein for 190 calories. 9/10.

    Befriended(?) the 93 year old ojiisan that comes in at 530am everyday for a cup of coffee/eggs/hagen daz. The interactions I get with him and a couple other regulars make my day every time.

    Gym sessions have been great lately!

    Yakuza on the PS3 is actually not as difficult or overwhelming as I thought it would be, and I’m actually enjoying it?? I know this sounds really ridiculous, but this is literally the first time I’m having more fun than pressure/overwhelmed playing an action game. My mind is blown.

  7. Praise for this sub. Sometimes it can be filled with negativity, but lately I’ve been feeling really down and have turned to this sub multiple times for help and everyone has been kind, supportive, and given good advice.

    I haven’t solved everything (or anything, really) yet and I don’t always agree with the advice people give but I’m really, truly thankful that people take time out of their days to help a random internet stranger out.

  8. Super Mario Wonder looks amazing and I’m so glad I have two Switches, so I can play it everywhere. I almost want a physical copy, but since we have two Switches, I’ll go digital.

    Super Mario RPG is coming soon too!

    I also bought a Miyoo Mini, which came from Ali Express in only 4 days. It’s so fun to play on… if only I had time for all these games…

  9. Out for some cycling this morning, gonna try to get back into it. Daily highs haven’t come down much, but at least the lows have dropped a little. Fingers crossed going forward.

  10. Had a minor dental emergency last week; dentist fixed me up, mostly-painlessly, and it didn’t cost an arm and/or leg.

  11. Summer is coming to a close and hopefully the summer drought in translation will too. I got a tentative offer for a large job this week (a couple months’ worth of salary), and while it’s not set yet, even if it doesn’t work out it’s still a positive sign.

  12. Friendship ended with ガーナチョコ&クッキーサンド.

    Now ブラックサンダーアイス is my best friend.

    Now if only I know the reason why I can only find it in literally only one 7/11 branch and not across all 7/11s or supermarkets.

  13. Super glad I bought the Roomba i7+ during whatever sale in July for 60k. It had recently a 80k sale but stable price at 110k.

    Also the more I work the more I realize my company is super cool. We have an intern for 2 weeks, and literally everyone is involved in teaching something to the intern. I don’t know if it’s usual here, but in France usually there are only one or two people in charge of the intern.

  14. Got a couple: Stabbed my hand on a tine while disentangling grass from my rotavator. Must have hit an artery because blood was pumping out. Got from my hatake via hospital to home patched up in an hour. Total cost ¥2500.
    Spent a few days diving in Kushimoto. Wow! Mainland fish + Okinawan fish = lots of fish!

  15. I came home just as a parcel delivery guy was walking away from my place to his trucj. He looked at me, looked at the name and asked “Are you(name)?”

    I said yes and got my package, and while that’s awful security, at least I don’t need to schedule a redelivery.

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