How to lodge a complaint with the ministry of health?

Hi all,

I underwent a tattoo removal operation recently, but the doctor clearly used the wrong wavelength for the tattoo color, making the entire surgery ineffective. I told them this and asked them to redo the surgery correctly or for a discount, and they blatantly refused.

I believe they may done this intentionally to keep me coming back to go to more sessions for the removal, as a simple google search told me what settings should be used.

I would like to report them to the Ministry of Health, but the Inquiry and Call Center number seems to not work, which redirects you to an information center, which redirected me to a covid19 center… yeah…

Does anyone know how to do what I should do? I told the clinic already I believe this is improprer and requested documents from them about the doctor’s decision. Is there other documents I should ask or request from them? And how can I lodge a complaint to get them moving? I would be willing to earnestly settle with them for 50% the fee or whatever, not that I feel I should.

  1. No point. Nothing will ever happen to the doctor. They get away with *far* more serious malpractice than this here.

    You’ll end up simply wasting your time and probably money trying to fight it.

    This isn’t the US.

  2. Rather than ministry of health I would check to see if there is a professional association or regulator they are part of.

  3. Don’t know if your doctor did the right thing or not, but I do know tattoo removal takes many sessions over a long period of time. It’s not a one and done sort of thing.

  4. 1.If you are expecting the laser removal to be effective in one session then you are delusional.
    2. You think you know better than a doctor and professional because of some google blabber that you don’t know who is spouting?
    3. Are you sure you actually know what setting were used?

  5. Laser removal for tattoos takes multiple sessions. That’s a pretty well known fact.

  6. I had a small single colour (traditional ink / black) tattoo removed. It took about two years in total, I wasn’t in a rush, but it took about 9 sessions.

    If your skin is inflamed afterward then the laser has start3d breaking down the ink. It’ll be 2 or 3 sessions before you see a difference.

    I’d check Google reviews or any forums on the doctors background and feedback before making any kind of formal complaint. I would also seek a second opinion if you believe it was malpractice.

  7. Your first step is to get a second opinion from an actual doctor specialising in tattoo removal. If *they* say that it was done incorrectly, then see if there is a regulator/professional association or consult a medical negligence lawyer.

  8. They do not magically disappear in one session. I had mine removed in the states by a specialist. The ink was red, the easiest to get out, and it still took at least 7 sessions.

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