Applying for PR while Renewing Work Visa

Hey everyone, I read through many previous posts here but I still feel the need to ask, pretty stressed out actually 🙁 I hope I can ask this directly and get your help!

I’m **applying** for **PR** through the **HSP** system (Just using points), I’ve prepared all the paperwork myself and will submit it next week, however my **current** 3 year Engineer / Specialist **visa** will **expire in three months**.

I understand that processing PR will take anything from 4-8 months in Shinagawa.

**Questions / Need Help:**

* Should I first apply for PR, and then apply for Visa renewal? should I mention on my Visa renewal application that I am also processing PR? is that a thing?


* I switched jobs around a year and a half ago to a smaller company, I’m really stressed about getting a 1 year visa after renewal, that would make my PR application fall through for sure right?


* Should I consult an immigration lawyer about this?


**More Information:**

**Current Visa:** Engineer / Specialist, expires in 3 months

**Applying For:** PR through point system

**Working Contract:** 正社員 / Permanent employee

**Work / Residence Location:** Tokyo

  1. >Should I first apply for PR, and then apply for Visa renewal? should I mention on my Visa renewal application that I am also processing PR? is that a thing?

    Yes, you apply for PR right now whilst you’re still holding a 3 year visa. Because there is no guarantee your next visa will be a 3/5 years (unless you’re gonna get a HSP visa as that’s always 5 years)

    >I switched jobs around a year and a half ago to a smaller company, I’m really stressed about getting a 1 year visa after renewal, that would make my PR application fall through for sure right?

    As long as you submit your PR application now then that shouldn’t be too much of a problem as long as you did all the correct notifications to immigration (within 14 days) when you changed jobs? I.e notified them you left employer within 14 days after last day and then again when you stayed with new employer within 14 days after your first day.

    Also do you still have the qualifying HSP points with your new employer?

    But yes, if you don’t apply for PR now and then should you get a 1 year visa, then you can’t apply.

    >Should I consult an immigration lawyer about this?

    It’s not necessary. Especially for someone with HSP intellect. All it requires is the ability to make a checklist and gather documents from said checklist.

    That said if you have the money to burn and don’t feel confident, they yea, sure… why not.

  2. If you want to minimise the visits to the immigration, you can literally put both applications in at the same time. I did.

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