Blue speeding ticket while PR under consideration

Last July I applied for PR via lawyer. High skilled professional route.

I had a blue ticket in February 2022 – for this my lawyer suggested I included a statement of contrition and that “I wouldn’t do it again” sentence. I had no other violations

Fast forward to this morning – I did it again. Blue ticket by bike cop on a downward slope….

1 – should I report this to immigration?
2 – anyone had similar experiences? How do you think this will affect the application?

Thanks 🙂

  1. > 1 – should I report this to immigration?

    Did you sign the declaration that you would inform them of changes to your status during the consideration period? But probably yes.

    > 2 – anyone had similar experiences? How do you think this will affect the application?

    It probably significantly increases the chance of denial, and then you would have to wait years to reapply.

    You could always take the risk of not informing immigration, but the best answer is probably to talk to the immigration professional you used to process the application.

    The generally accepted advice is a single infraction for which you apologize and express remorse is unlikely to cause issues, while a pattern of infractions is. No idea where two infractions falls within that scope.

  2. So, basically, after your statement of contrition and your affirmation that you wouldn’t do it again, you did it again. You should discuss this with your immigration lawyer and maybe stop driving until your PR application process has concluded.

  3. Blue tickets are fine, as long as you didn’t hit your points limit and get a 行政処分 for license suspension etc. Pay it and you’re good. Don’t report it to immigration.

  4. The fact that you think that “downward slope” is somehow an excuse is really telling.

    The correct answer is that yes, you are supposed to tell immigration, and yes, they will probably deny your application as a result.

    Edit: also all your responses on here indicate that you think it’s all a big joke and a minor inconvenience and that your promise to learn from the previous incident was totally insincere.

  5. Its a blue speeding ticket. How’d a lawyer get involved? Got my first ticket 2 months back all the cop told me was i had to pay it within a week. Also its been a year since the previous ticket so i think its all good.

  6. Better to beg forgiveness than ask permission.

    I’ve had several of these in the past and I got my PR no problems. Just pay it on time.

  7. First of all, it sounds like you’re not gonna receive a suspension as long as you didn’t do anything too bad. But since the ticket was blue, I bet you’re fine.

    Red tickets are actual criminal situations.

    Oh, and the white motorcycles are piloted by dicks 99 percent of the time. 🤷

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