We will sell nearly all of this fish between now and Monday.

We will sell nearly all of this fish between now and Monday.

  1. Pic one is madai(sea bream, Australian hiramasa and Striped seabass(suzuki)

    Second pic is bluefin o-toro, bluefin akami, some mekajiki(swordfish) and 60 lbs of big eye tuna

    3rd pic is sawara(spanish (mackerel) Big glory bay king salmon and I have never recieved the dudes up front and whoever broke it down did not label it. I didn’t see it until I was leaving work tonight. I’ll ID it later.

  2. The mystery fish looks like matoudai, or a non-Japanese relative. Some sort of John Dory. Gonna have to get up there and eat with you guys again. Live in Corpus so the drive isn’t bad. Are reservations still tight?

  3. I ate at LR this weekend and was blown away by the quality of the food. Y’all are doing a great job.

  4. I really thought the first photo was some kind of fish vending machine, was wildly confused but also intrigued

  5. I bet you know *exactly* where to go for sushi lol. How amazing it would to see a list of restaurants you sell to (and to try them all). I’m sure you can’t do that, but I bet you have a mile long list of S-tier sushi restaurants you can recommend 🙂

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