Question regarding applying to Japanese jobs

So recently my job had a mass layoff announcement in the US and told us that we have until end of October until our employment is terminated. So I thought now is perfect time for me to start applying for jobs, I’ve been looking into software jobs in Japan for a while now but am not sure on the process for applying.

I initially tried normally applying on LinkedIn like I would if I were looking for a job here in the US with my English CV but haven’t had any luck, with constant rejection emails. So I made a 履歴書 and 職務経歴書, but still so far no luck. One major question I have is, do I apply with my English CV or Japanese resumes? If the post is in English do I apply with my English CV and if in Japanese the Japanese ones?

On top of that my spoken Japanese isn’t the best, N4 at the most so I know I’m very limited in jobs I can find, especially needing a Visa Sponsorship; my reading is N3 but that doesn’t mean much in interviews. So I’ve been applying at places like Line and Rakuten which label their jobs as “English Okay”. I already got rejected by those two (Line rejected in 2 hours after applying) so I’m not I’m expecting a job offer in a month or two, I know it’ll take some time. I just want to make sure I’m not missing anything important or obvious that would interfere with followups.

Is it possibly something wrong with my resumes or is it just the normal job seeking process of get 100 rejections and 1-2 follow ups? I also see (especially on sites like LinkedIn) only 1 resume can be uploaded, so do I just upload my English CV since the other two are separate files?

Resumes (I hid my personal information but kept in the job details): [English CV]( | [履歴書]( |[職務経歴書](

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Question regarding applying to Japanese jobs**

    So recently my job had a mass layoff announcement in the US and told us that we have until end of October until our employment is terminated. So I thought now is perfect time for me to start applying for jobs, I’ve been looking into software jobs in Japan for a while now but am not sure on the process for applying.

    I initially tried normally applying on LinkedIn like I would if I were looking for a job here in the US with my English CV but haven’t had any luck, with constant rejection emails. So I made a 履歴書 and 職務経歴書, but still so far no luck. One major question I have is, do I apply with my English CV or Japanese resumes? If the post is in English do I apply with my English CV and if in Japanese the Japanese ones?

    On top of that my spoken Japanese isn’t the best, N4 at the most so I know I’m very limited in jobs I can find, especially needing a Visa Sponsorship. So I’ve been applying at places like Line and Rakuten which label their jobs as “English Okay”. I already got rejected by those two (Line rejected in 2 hours after applying) so I’m not I’m expecting a job offer in a month or two, I know it’ll take some time. I just want to make sure I’m not missing anything important that would interfere with interview offers.

    Is it possibly something wrong with my resumes or is it just the normal job seeking process or get 100 rejections and 1-2 follow ups?

    Resumes (I hid my personal information but kept in the job details): [English CV]( | [履歴書]( |[職務経歴書](

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  2. I feel like your resume isn’t very impressive for a big tech company. Of the three projects you felt were representative enough to list, one feels like something an intern would make, and the other two feel like something a high schooler or college student would make in their free time. You might want to include more real work instead of trivial things like that.

    EDIT: your Japanese docs are also not very confidence inspiring.

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