Looking for Advice: Tsukuba vs. Kanazawa

Hello! I hope everyone is doing well. I’m mext student, applying for a masters, and I have been able to secure acceptance in Tsukuba University and The University of Kanazawa. I’m having a tough time deciding on my preference, and there are many factors that I’m taking into account. like how livable the city is, which one is more comfortably for internationals, cost of living etc..

I feel like both places have advantages and disadvantages but I want to hear more from people with experience. I am really lost actually and I would be happy to hear your opinions

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Looking for Advice: Tsukuba vs. Kanazawa**

    Hello! I hope everyone is doing well. I’m mext student, applying for a masters, and I have been able to secure acceptance in Tsukuba University and The University of Kanazawa. I’m having a tough time deciding on my preference, and there are many factors that I’m taking into account. like how livable the city is, which one is more comfortably for internationals, cost of living etc..

    I feel like both places have advantages and disadvantages but I want to hear more from people with experience. I am really lost actually and I would be happy to hear your opinions

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  2. Congrats on your acceptances. I don’t know much about Kanazawa but Tsukuba seems like the better ranked university and better known. Tsukuba itself isn’t exactly exciting to live in but it’s only an hour or so from Tokyo. Tsukuba also has a master’s program campus in Tokyo but I’m not sure which you’re in.

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