American in Japan plays loud music at a coffee shop. Gets belligerent when told to keep it down

American in Japan plays loud music at a coffee shop. Gets belligerent when told to keep it down

  1. Isn’t there another video of this guy from a few years ago doing the same exact thing? I swear it’s the same dude and I guess he hasn’t learned even after the police got involved in the other video. What a piece of shit

  2. IDK about this sub, but this has been reposted on PublicFreak out like 8 times a year for a few years now.

  3. Just to let you know this happened back in 2019.

    Unfortunately, now its streamers who come to Japan and cause major issues.

    This is an American KICK streamer who goes by the handle “Johnny Somali” who has been to Japan a few times and all he does act like a disrespectful vermin.



    Then you have another KICK streamer who goes by “Suspendas” who live on stream sexually assaulted (was kissing her) a drunk woman.


    I genuinely don’t understand why these 2 have not been permanently banned from entering Japan or even arrested for their crimes.

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