Data Analyst job hunt from overseas

Hello all. I would just like to ask the group if my plan to move to Japan as a data analyst from overseas is realistic?

For context, I am now in my mid-30s and studied in Japan for graduate school via scholarship from 2013-2018 but needed to go back to my home country after graduation. I have 8.5 years of professional research, technical support and analysis. I am currently upskilling for data analytics softwares/tools and programming languages since had been using mostly conventional ones such as MS Excel. I also plan to take the JLPT N2 by December (or JNAT N2 early next year). After passing N2, I will job hunt via LinkedIn and other recruitment sites such as MyNabi, Daijob, etc.

Thank you very much and I appreciate your response.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Data Analyst job hunt from overseas**

    Hello all. I would just like to ask the group if my plan to move to Japan as a data analyst from overseas is realistic?

    For context, I am now in my mid-30s and studied in Japan for graduate school via scholarship from 2013-2018 but needed to go back to my home country after graduation. I have 8.5 years of professional research, technical support and analysis. I am currently upskilling for data analytics softwares/tools and programming languages since had been using mostly conventional ones such as MS Excel. I also plan to take the JLPT N2 by December (or JNAT N2 early next year). After passing N2, I will job hunt via LinkedIn and other recruitment sites such as MyNabi, Daijob, etc.

    Thank you very much and I appreciate your response.

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  2. It’s perfectly realistic. You’ll typically earn more money and be less burnt out finding international companies though. N2 is good, PayPay for e.g. doesn’t require it, but Mercari I think requires at least a strong N3? Look for “English only OK” in LinkedIn ads. My wife was a data analyst at a couple Japanese companies and it was rough, and the pay was ass despite solid experience. I suggest trying to find these companies now, and geek up on what they need during up-skilling. They might not have roles right now, but might when you’re ready.

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