When do most teachers receive their paid holiday?

I was wondering when do most teachers recieve their paid days off. Do most of yall get them after 6months of working every year or just the 1st year of working then on the 2nd year you get them on the 1st day?

  1. What are you talking about?

    Days off are paid in the following paid period. There is no special holiday pay, just days off given to staff on regular schedule.

  2. You mean when our 年休 is renewed? Well, assuming you mean working as a direct hire in the education system, it’ll be when the school year starts in April.

  3. It depends. If you’re talking about as a new hire, they’ll sometimes give you half the first six months and half after. If your contract is renewing, they’ll usually give you all of them up front at renewal. If you have a probation period, they may give you a few days to start and the rest after (at my current company I was given 3/13 to start, then got the remaining 10 after six month’s probation period finished).

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