Need a Passport to get a SSC and a SSC to get a Passport

Well, I find myself in a bit of a pickle.

I live in Japan. I have two children. My wife is Japanese. We collected all of their information after we did a Report of Birth in Japan. We got them Passports and SSNs.

Well Covid hit and things shut down, including the Embassy which ran on a skeleton crew. Long story short, when sifting through the children’s legal documents because we were planning on traveling abroad in the next year or two, I noticed I couldn’t find my youngest’s SSC anywhere. I turned the house on its head and couldn’t find it. Also, his Passport is expired.

Well, now I need that SSN for a new passport, but I need a passport for the SSN. What should I do to remedy this issue? I called the Embassy, but they said I needed to fill out an Emergency Passport and then use that to get the SSN, but that requires a SSN as well. Help?

  1. Check all your other records for places you may have used his SSN. Did you include your children on your tax returns/filings?

  2. I’m sure you’ll work it out, definitely a pain in the neck though. Did you ever scan the SS cards and save them in Drive or DropBox or something similar? Scan everything important and put in a couple different places for redundancy in case of fire, theft, etc. in the future.

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