Wanikani exists for Kanji, is there something for grammar

I’ve been using Bun-pro for grammar. And lately I’ve been drawing the grammatical effects of certain particles.

It then struck me that it would be a good idea to create mnemonics for all the grammar rules a person needs to learn.

I wonder, has such a thing already been created, I’ve been learning for a few years and never heard of such a thing?

  1. Good old Tae Kim’s guide to Japanese grammar, there’s sadly no wanikani type thing for grammar though there is an anki deck of the Tae Kim’s guide that you could probably do

  2. Try the Kanji Study app. I found the graded reading an absolute beast of an addition to the straight grinding of Anki (not to mention you can add cards directly from the Kanji app to Anki). There is an integrated dictionnary for definitions, and a built-in grammar… dictionnary (?) that progressively gives less and less info (as graded reading does).

    You can pay for full access, but even without, the use you get out of it are huge.

  3. it doesnt use mnemonics (i dont really know how that would work for grammar lol) but ive been using bunpro, its grammar SRS

    you can look up all the grammar on there for free, but using the SRS system itself requires payment

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