First time making sushi as a 16yo

First time making sushi as a 16yo

  1. Lmaoo I couldn’t even roll mine fully.

    Probably a little less rice and could probably double up on the filling. But looks great!

  2. Nice rice rolls. But for real, idk why it would keep falling apart, but when you roll, try to tuck a little bit. Make the rice meet if that makes sense. Either way, I think you needed a little more filling, but otherwise did it taste good? If so, fuck it, you made sushi!

  3. Very cool! I’m going to have to overcome my nerves, and give it a shot. I’ll bet it tasted great! Anything I make instantly tastes better than store-bought.

  4. LOL it looks like hell but keep at it! For context and since it’s the most important part of sushi, let us know how you made your rice . Sushi takes practice and you’ve taken your first steps, so good effort!

  5. Good effort. Use less rice. And use nori… Unless you’ve got nori in there that I can’t see. Maybe a bit more filling? By the way, sushi rice should be mixed with a specific vinegar type mixture to make it… Better. I forgot why though. You could probably look that up and see why.

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