What options are there for non-flammable shoji alternatives?

I just ordered a wood burning stove that I’m stoked for (pun intended) 🔥. I found a used one and got the price waaaay lower than the listed price after calling them on the phone. They wanted to get rid of it. I recommend buying wood stoves when it’s the hottest part of summer, bc nobody else is shopping for wood stoves right now 😎. Maybe one of my better ideas.

I’m planning on building a wall and building my own hearth (behind and below), but the place I want to put it is a little bit close to a Shoji door. Probably more than 1 meter which is the distance requirement for flammable objects but I’d like to do something else for that door just to be extra safe.

I’ve got 8 doors on that side of the house, can I put some kind of plastic or glass Shoji just in the one and it look okay? Or will one door obviously look weird?

I could also put another wall between the Shoji and the stove but it might not look good and would obviously require more materials

I know I could just open that door when the stove is burning to get it out of the way, but kids, dogs, etc not worth the risk.

Thanks 🙏

  1. Maybe replace it with 和紙調ガラス doors that uses glass that looks like shoji papers? It’ll make it less burnable and last longer.

  2. There are many ways to treat wash paper or almost any material to make it fire-resistant.

    Here’s one random offer: [https://item.rakuten.co.jp/asahipenstore/4970925196019/](https://item.rakuten.co.jp/asahipenstore/4970925196019/)

    Maybe gather up some keywords and you can find something neat.

    Plastic (polycarbonate) is an option, though a bit ugly, IMO.

    Tampered glass with a shoji-like design looks better, but may be a bit cold?

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