Random call from debt collector company

Received a call from 0570012120. Internets say its a debt collection company called エー・シー・エス債権管理回収会社, connected to Aeon credit card. Never made a card with them, or anywhere in Japan. Any ideas if this is legit or scam?

  1. Apparently they do not collect debt for Aeon credit card only, but for other companies as well. Maybe picking up and figuring out what’s their issue is a good idea. If it still has nothing to do with you, then you can ignore it.

  2. If it is a number I am not familiar with I check it. If it has no business with me like debt Ignore it otherwise call back

  3. They are a “legitimate” debt collection company, not a scam.

    Two possibilities: wrong number, or you are delinquent on something. It seems ACS collect on utility bills and credit cards. They’re part of the Aeon group but don’t just collect for Aeon, I think. I would take it seriously and check to see if you received a written message or have outstanding utility bills.

    Basically being called by them usually means that you’ve been delinquent on a debt for a long time and are on the verge of being sued.

  4. I’ve heard a lot of similar stories over the years. Quite often they are debt collection agencies that have bought someones bad credit and try anything to get some cash. Often people get these because of recycled mobile phone numbers.

    If it is not you, just ignore it.

  5. I’ve never answered a call here that I wasn’t anticipating from a number I couldn’t recognize without regretting it.

  6. How long have you had your phone? It’s possible they are trying to get the last person who had that number. Even if it’s been a year or two, debt collection companies often sell accounts between themselves so a new company may be trying to work that debt years after the last one gave up.

    It’s also possibly a scam. If you do answer accidentally, don’t give them any personal info. Tell them to send an itemized invoice of the charges they claim you owe, and you will pass it on to your lawyer.

  7. I had a call on my sub number too.
    Called them and the original source of the debt and it was legit. They were trying to call the person who had the number before. Some might be scams, but could be legit if it’s a new phone number.

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