Anyone know any good places I can get fishing gear in the Yokohama/Yokosuka area?

Was just wondering is anyone knew any Japanese equivalents of like bass pro or something similar in Japan. I decided to pick up fishing as a hobby but I haven’t really found anything other than small bait and tackle shops. Any help is greatly appreciated and have a wonderful day folks!

  1. 上州屋 (Juoshuya) is a pretty big fishing gear chain and there’s probably one near you.
    It’s where I used to buy all of my stuff.

  2. Tokyo/Yokohama probably has the worst selection in fishing gear in all of Japan. The main chain up there is Joshuya and although they are kinda big, the prices are expensive and the selection is lacking. My personal favorite in the area is Casterhouse up in Tokyo. They also have a website. The location is divided into the main store that sells lures and lines etc and the sub store right next to it that sells rods.

    Their rod selection is one of the best in Japan and you will find rods there that are hard to find at other stores. They also have some very high end rods in stock.

  3. There’s a [Tsurigu Point]( in Yokosuka, that’s probably the largest fishing store I have seen in my travels around the Yokosuka area. [This place also looks interesting](, but I found it via Google and haven’t yet visited myself. They will not match the size or scale of a large Bass Pro Shop, but that sort of huge fishing shop is not something I’ve seen in Japan. (I thought about starting one myself but the cost & risk is quite high… I used to have the contacts to potentially make it happen but still decided against it.)

    As far as absolute best price goes, likely online. or something found via But…there is a lot to be said for having a regular local shop (non-chain) where you know the owner and he knows you. You get good deals and they’ll let you know when something interesting is new or going on.

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