PR holder and 5 year re-entry permit holder: How to re-enter JP

Hi, I’m a PR holder but no longer a resident in JP. I hold a valid 5 year re-entry permit. I’m planning to re-visit JP for a few days. What should I show at the airport when I enter JP? And what paper work do I need to fill out when I leave JP? Do I need to fill out that piece of paper when I leave which asks whether I’ll re-enter in a year again? And does the custom care about whether I just come back for a few days vs staying long-term?


  1. >Hi, I’m a PR holder but no longer a resident in JP. I hold a valid 5 year re-entry permit.

    Single re-entry or Multiple re-entry?

    >I’m planning to re-visit JP for a few days. What should I show at the airport when I enter JP?

    You will show your passport with the single/multiple re-entry permit in it and then the zairyu card that permit is tied to.

    If you have a single re-entry, then that obviously becomes void, so you’d need to get issues a new one from immigration bureau before you leave Japan.

    >And what paper work do I need to fill out when I leave JP? Do I need to fill out that piece of paper when I leave which asks whether I’ll re-enter in a year again?

    Yes. Your Article 26 re-entry permit (5 year one) takes precedence over the Article 26-2 re-entry permit (1 year special re-entry permit) so even if you intend to return again within a year they will not issue you an Article 26-2 because you already have a valid/in date Article 26 in your passport linked to your SOR.

    (And technically without a juminhyo you don’t qualify for the Article 26-2 1 year special re-entry permit anyway)

    Just make sure you tick the

    >I am leaving Japan temporarily and will return


    >And does the custom care about whether I just come back for a few days vs staying long-term?

    Customs only care what is on your person and in your luggage. It’s immigration who have jurisdiction over your visa status.

    And if you’ve got a valid Article 26 re-entry permit then they don’t care if you’re not a registered resident (owner of a juminhyo).

    They would care if you were trying to exploit the Article 26-2 re-entry permit though. But you’re not because you have a valid Article 26 re-entry permit

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