Roach in apartment..

I just moved into an apartment in tokyo. When inspecting the apartment everything looked nice and in order. I turned on the shower and when i came back it was a huge cock roach in the tub.
Should i be concerned that there are more hiding in the drains? I’ve contacted my agent to contact the owners company for me but i’m truly at a loss for words.
As someone who grew up poor i absolutely hate roaches so knowing i may have an infestation scares me. I have not purchased furniture or anything yet..

  1. Was it German or one of the big Japanese ones?

    If German, there’s likely an infestation in the building. Contact your landlord/agent about treatment.

    If the big Japanese one, they live outside and they occasionally wander in but don’t usually infest. Buy some of the black caps and some spray, and fight them off when they pop inside for a visit.

  2. Don’t think you are ever going to have a completely roach free place in Tokyo.
    Just one of them things. put some roach traps down if it really worries you.

  3. Roaches are a thing in most of Japan unfortunately. And it’s not even about your place being looking nice and clean because if any of your neighbor’s place (both horizontal and vertical) is attracting roaches there’s a good chance that they will make their way to your place too.

    Hopefully, the roach you encountered was just a squatter in an unoccupied room and you won’t see anymore of them but go get a [Black Cap]( if you feel uncomfortable.

    Unfortunately I don’t see the owners doing much about it besides maybe placing said Black Caps in the public areas

  4. Seconding the recommendation for black cap, they’re good. You can also get barrier sprays to spray under furniture and around doors to keep them out, but you’ll have to update that monthly (which I do in the summer because unless the roach is paying rent it is not welcome).

    Another tip is to make sure you throw out your cardboard regularly and mop your floors, it really helps keep them out!

  5. If the apartment has been empty for a while, the P trap might have dried up. Anyway one bug is nothing to worry about

  6. Black caps in all the nooks and crannies, and cabinets with drains. If your door has any gaps a cockroach could slip through, get some weather stripping from a home center or 100 yen shop will have it sometimes. Finally if they’re outside in the halls put black caps by any drains or grates they may be climbing up.

  7. If you have no furniture yet, I highly recommend the smoke (barusan ?)

    It’s very effective, you can get them all at once, and then, with only combat traps, you should be ok.

  8. The only way to deal with cockroaches is to dynamite the building, pour gasoline over the rubble, ignite it then move to a cold country.

  9. Keep your vacuum cleaner handy, kills them instantly. Go to your nearest Daiso or Seria dollar store and get things that sit in the drains and block things from crawling out. They’re easy to clean and nice looking, where I live I got six in a package for that dollar

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