Recommendations for online Japanese language teachers

My spouse and I have been taking classes at our local community college but ran out of levels/classes. I’m looking for a teacher to Zoom a couple of times a week to continue our learning. We would prefer keeping the same teacher for a long time rather than switching often. We would also like someone with good knowledge of the culture and etymology that can answers questions like why the same word is used in two different situations or where does a word comes from… Can anyone recommend a quality service that provides Japanese teachers?

  1. iTalki is what I’ve been using for the past 10 months or so. Might take a little while to find a teacher who suits you since you’re looking for some specific knowledge though. I don’t know how widespread knowledge of etymology would be amongst normal teachers 🙂 Best bet would be sending a message first and enquiring as to their specific skills.

  2. Try a few different teachers on iTalki. I’ve been taking lessons with the same teacher for about a year now and couldn’t ask for better.

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