Any TUJ Art Majors? What’s your experience?

So I’ve been looking into going to TUJ recently for a bachelors degree but upon research have found that damn near everyone on reddit hates this place. I’ve read most posts about it and understand why it’s a bad school, bad rep. and all that, but to be honest I don’t really care.

I don’t plan on living in Japan long term, just for a few years, and I really just want a degree to say I have one and justify a student visa. I don’t plan on working for a Japanese company or really any company. I do want to learn Japanese though and I want to be able to study art in an efficient way.

So I’m wondering if there’s anyone here that’s gotten an Art degree at TUJ that could tell their experience taking classes like if they actually help and guide you through practices, teach you any industry standard softwares and tools, if the classes are interesting or challenging, stuff like that. Are you given projects to work on, are there art fairs, galleries, anything of the sort?

Judging from how most TUJ posts look I know I might get dogged but I really want to know (from someone who’s actually gone to this school) if the art program is at all worth it. Thanks!

Edit: I’m also interested in the Communication Production Track if anyone has anything to say about that, if it’s worth it or at least fun.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Any TUJ Art Majors? What’s your experience?**

    So I’ve been looking into going to TUJ recently for a bachelors degree but upon research have found that damn near everyone on reddit hates this place. I’ve read most posts about it and understand why it’s a bad school, bad rep. and all that, but to be honest I don’t really care.

    I don’t plan on living in Japan long term, just for a few years, and I really just want a degree to say I have one and justify a student visa. I don’t plan on working for a Japanese company or really any company. I do want to learn Japanese though and I want to be able to study art in an efficient way.

    So I’m wondering if there’s anyone here that’s gotten an Art degree at TUJ that could tell their experience taking classes like if they actually help and guide you through practices, teach you any industry standard softwares and tools, if the classes are interesting or challenging, stuff like that. Are you given projects to work on, are there art fairs, galleries, anything of the sort?

    Judging from how most TUJ posts look I know I might get dogged but I really want to know (from someone who’s actually gone to this school) if the art program is at all worth it. Thanks!


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  2. Soooo…

    On one hand: You appear to just want to live in Japan for a while, regardless of future concerns. That is literally the one case where going to TUJ might not be the worst idea in the world.

    On the other hand: You seem like you’re at least partially evaluating it in terms of raw education, and *that’s the problem with TUJ*.

    The reason TUJ gets a bad rap here is not because of some sort of “Japan” issue, it’s because they’re failing to educate their students to the level one would expect.

    (For context, I’m the person who wrote [this post](, which will give you some context on my experiences with TUJ graduates)

    All that said: Let’s get to some specific points:

    >teach you any industry standard softwares and tools

    Based on my experiences with TUJ Communication Studies graduates, the answer is a resounding “Sorta”.

    The graduates I’ve interacted with were familiar with the industry standard tools, but they weren’t remotely proficient. Like they’d obviously been shown the tools, and taught some absolute basics, but they also very obviously had not actually *used* said tools very much at all.

    >I’m also interested in the Communication Production Track if anyone has anything to say about that

    ***OH DEAR GOD NO!***

    This one I have direct experience with, and can confidently say that there are major flaws in the program and graduates are in no way prepared to actually work in the field.

    Ultimately whether this is a bad idea depends on your goals:

    If your end goal is “Live in Japan and get a degree, any degree”, then TUJ can do that for you. It’s not a particularly cheap way to do it, though.

    If your goal is to actually work in the fields you’re studying (even if not in Japan), then TUJ is a bad idea and you should look elsewhere. Or at the very least plan on re-teaching yourself pretty much every relevant skill.

  3. >interested in the Communication Production Track

    Temple Japan is the ultimate garbage university on the entire planet.

    #Why, **why**, WHY?

    ^*for* ^*dalkyr82:*

    Ok, ok …

    If a person wanted to follow something like the “Communication Production Track” is there **any** other school in all of Japan that could provide an valid eduction in English ^{or ^Japanese} ????

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