Japan wrestles with its views on ‘outside people’ amid population crisis

Japan wrestles with its views on ‘outside people’ amid population crisis


  1. Man, I worked construction in Japan in 2019 for 800ish yen an hour. It was dirty dangerous work and the other guys got danger pay of about 7 times that. Not me, I’m not Japanese. There was that Kool time the fat guy pushed me into a trench with a bulldozer, that was fun. He turned into a big cry baby when I foot tripped his fat arse a couple of days later, we actually became good mates.

  2. >teaches nationalism

    >promotes terrible work culture that isn’t family-friendly

    The government can’t have its cake and eat it, too. Either improve conditions so people can have kids or start welcoming foreigners.

  3. Birth rate going south, been going south for decades and the Govt of Japan offers very little help in fixing the situation. As mentioned in the article, they did offer easier visas in order to get people to come in to fill tech jobs, however, they then don’t make it easy to stay. No language help, and no $$$ incentive to stay around.

    Now, some smaller town areas, are tackling the low birth rate, but doing what the main Govt won’t. Offering assistance in things people need in order to have kids in Japan. Look up Japan’s miracle town on Mercator.

  4. The sort of funny thing about this is that over the years that Japan has been debating whether they want to allow more foreign people to come and work here, the yen has tanked in value, making it much less appealing to come here for work.

    When they finally accept that it’s essential, they might find that it’s too late.

  5. I dont think id like to work in japan. The yen is getting weaker. No offence, you dont even treat your own workers well, so i dont think id fair any better.

    Also, there’s a lot of workplace discrimination. The legal system is extremely draconian. Also, what if foreigners want representation in government after a generation?

    Are you looking for new slaves/low wage second class citizens or people to partake in the nation of japan.

    Also you must realize all people from all walks of life have their traditions and cultures. They will come with that too. The united states is a good example, everyone keeps and can celebrate thier tradition and religion.

    If japan wants immigration, its gonna have to change and make japan look like a great deal.

  6. Import the Vietnamese and Taiwanese en masse – there would be a lot of demand to come to Japan

  7. If WW3 comes the ones fighting their war will be geriatrics because if they let their young die even further the future of Japan will be gone.

  8. Japan is an amazing country. The left are just unhappy they can’t project their warped views on others

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