My decade long quest for melon Fanta

The year was 2014. August. Very hot. I was in a local eatery somewhere in the Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. Very new and feeling out of place, I was comforted by the familiar logo of Fanta softdrinks. Only instead of the familiar orange – it was green. Green fanta, upon closer inspection, melon fanta. Curious, I took my cup and filled it with the strange green brew.
I did not eat very much that night, but I must have drank close to a gallon of melon fanta.
It has been almost 10 years now. 10 long years since I was able to taste the sweet, sweet necter of melon fanta. For almost a decade I have searched, but it eludes me . . . unless I want to pay like $100 to import a case.

  1. It’s in just about any restaurant that has a “drink bar”. . . and McDonalds. How hard were you looking?

  2. OP, if you can find it, there are a couple of brands of ramune (Japanese fizzy drink) that have a melon flavour similar to melon Fanta.

    If you have an Asian supermarket nearby, keep an eye out for ramune in the traditional glass bottles with a marble as a stopper.

    From memory, the Kimura brand of ramune has the right flavour. However, there’s another brand, Hata or Hatakosen, which *doesn’t* have the right flavour and instead tastes a bit like honeydew melon juice.

    Here’s an example of the good, Kimura ramune:

  3. When I came first to Japan I went to a restaurant for the first time there. Someone drank something weird greenish…I could not read the menu so I said “this”. Now I am back in my home country but it still reminds of japan to even hear about it….

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