Filipino Civil Engr. Just received my COE. What are the next steps?

Hello. I am a Civil Engineer in the Philippines and got lucky to find an employer in Japan. The agency handling my application just sent me my COE. I only studied until N4 here in the Philippines for the reason that the agency that handling me is having a hard time to find an instructor for N3. I’m scared because i think I lack of knowledge in Japanese language. Is there anyone here who is a civil engineer too working in Japan? Just want to hear how is work so far for you guys…

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Filipino Civil Engr. Just received my COE. What are the next steps?**

    Hello. I am a Civil Engineer in the Philippines and got lucky to find an employer in Japan. The agency handling my application just sent me my COE. I only studied until N4 here in the Philippines for the reason that the agency that handling me is having a hard time to find an instructor for N3. I’m scared because i think I lack of knowledge in Japanese language. Is there anyone here who is a civil engineer too working in Japan? Just want to hear how is work so far for you guys…

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  2. Well… your employer would have asked what you’re Japanese level is and would have tested it… so what exactly are you worried about?

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