Am I just immature or is this not the best sign at a train station?

Am I just immature or is this not the best sign at a train station?

  1. Better get yourself off quickly – others behind you are waiting for their own chance to get themselves off as well.

  2. It is a hobby of mine to take pictures of interesting translations while in Japan. This is a good one

  3. You should have been here when McDonalds japan was selling “Adult Cream pies”. Absolutely no foreigners were consulted for that marketing campaign.

  4. It’s pretty good. In Tokyo I once saw the following text in a sign at a train station. “For bathroom go back to your behind”

  5. It’s better when they do it on the platform than in the train tbh. At least it’s easier to move away from them.

  6. How should I say “exiting train or bus” without being inappropriate? English is not my first language, and I didn’t know “get off” had such meaning…

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