Eyebrow piercing – should i take it out?

hi! i’m moving to tokyo for a study abroad year this friday. I have quite a few piercings, one of them being an eyebrow piercing. I’m set on leaving my nostril and septum in, however i’m very on the fence regarding the eyebrow. I know japan is a very conservative country in regards to facial piercings if not just piercings in general, so i would like some opinion on whether or not i should take it out. i’m not looking to get a job in tokyo, at least not during my first semester, so this wouldn’t be a factor to take into account. i also expect to mainly socialise with people my age (early 20s) as i’ll be at university. let me know what you think and wherever there are any serious downsides to leaving the piercing in!

  1. Don’t worry, there’s plenty of people, especially in your age group with piercings etc. You don’t have to take out anything. You’re good.

  2. Tons of university students have piercings and multi colored hair. They aren’t allowed to express themselves or have wild appearances before university and in most cases after university, so it’s the one time they can look however they want. You’ll fit in fine.

  3. nah. i have a septum and nose piercing and whilst a few older people have commented on it, their reception has generally been positive! i see a lot of younger japanese people with facial piercings too and from other people my age (also early 20s) they’re either just curious or really like them – same with my tattoos. so unless you’re trying to get a professional job i wouldn’t worry in the slightest 🙂

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