Daily Boss Super Premium Deluxe Stupid Questions Thread – 03 September 2023

Now daily! Feel free to ask any silly stupid questions or not-so-silly stupid questions that you haven’t had a chance to ask here. Be kind to those that do and try to answer without downvoting. Please keep criticism and snide remarks out of the thread.

  1. Hi, just moved to a new apartment in Adachi-ku and I have a ton of trash (all sorted in garbage bags, cardboard flattened and tied up, nothing large), is there some sort of service that will come pick everything up for me? I don’t really want to wait for the trash days since there’s just so much right now.

  2. Anyone know of shops that do trade in deals for PS4s? I was thinking of upgrading to a PS5. Thanks!

  3. Has anyone been a volunteer Japanese teacher at the community center? Back when I first moved here, I got lessons there. Teachers were Japanese people (not surprise there), mostly over 65.

    I will never have the expertise (especially handwritten kanji ability) of a native speaker, but have had N1 for like 10 years, and 80% of my day is in Japanese. I should be able to explain things in a different way than Japanese seniors.

    Has anyone else done this? There may be a reason why this is a stupid idea and I haven’t realized it yet. One disadvantage is I don’t speak Chinese, Taiwanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Bhasa etc., which is probably where most of the students come from.

  4. So I’ve never filed taxes back in the States and I really think I should probably do so at some point.

    I looked up how to do back taxes years ago and even did some of the paperwork but I have no idea where that ended up so Im starting from zero again.

    I left my former job three years ago. Can I still get statements about my wages from them or do I get them from elsewhere as it’s been a few years?

    Any advice?

  5. How high does my Japanese level have to be when trying to convert my driver’s license for the interview? I’d say my level is conversational (N3) with better listening skills than speaking skills.

    Do I really have to bring an interpreter? If I do, any recommendations where to find one? (I’d bring a friend but no one’s available on the day of my appointment)

  6. Is it better to buy suitcases in US or Japan? not looking for cheapest, but most value, thinking about something for checked bag and will last at least a few years

    Edit: after looking at Donki’s line-up of “carry-case” I think I will get it there. I have Samsonite but feel like trying something else

  7. I have a smelly bathroom sink and I can’t figure out how to get rid of the smell.

    I’ve tried using pipe cleaner and washing dish soap down it, still super rank smell which is getting worse by the day. What else can I try?

  8. Any get the notification from Docomo about the data breach? Explains why I’ve been getting unsolicited texts from people purporting to be job agencies and phone calls from Brazil and the Phillipines

  9. I need some advice about apartment hunting here. When searching on suumo, minimini etc. I see a lot of properties that require neither reikin nor shikikin. I’m pretty thrilled to not pay reikin so that’s not a problem at all lol but the lack of shikikin makes me a bit nervous, can these places be trusted? Not paying a deposit sounds extremely strange to me (totally unheard of and would make me run for the hills in my country) and makes me wonder if something shady is going on, but I see them a lot on big reputable companies’ websites too, so maybe it isn’t too unusual in Japan. Anybody have any thoughts or experiences with this?

  10. What’s the name of that condition where Asian women have a big dark spot on the lower part of their butt cheeks? It almost looks like they got beaten, but it’s like a birthmark, it doesn’t hurt. I have seen it a few times.

  11. Anybody here from Okinawa that has an experience sending your bicycle to tokyo?(bicycle is a normal one non-electric) I was trying to send it via seino but have seen their policy that they do not service from okinawa. Finding suggestions Thanks!

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