Losing job while applying PR

Hi everyone

I am a seisyain but I have been officially told that I have to leave my current company, the reason is that since the company is focusing the business in another country and now there is no project in Japan, which means I don’t have work to do and have to leave.

I submit my PR application last month, so basically I have to cancel the application, the question is should I tell the immigration department immediately or can wait until my last day? I applied through HSFP point, if I could find another company that gives me enough points, can I still process the application?

I agreed to leave though, the company didn’t even let me wait until the PR, I was quite angry when they told me this, even I did nothing wrong during my work. It just feels they treated me as a fool since I am a foreigner and don’t speak good Japanese.

  1. I think there’s nothing to do with the company if you have enough points for the PR. Even you lose your job if you have 70 points or more you can still get the PR. It’s better not to tell the immigration. I think you should wait for the results.

  2. Don’t cancel anything. The worst they can do is say no which costs you nothing.

    >I agreed to leave though, the company didn’t even let me wait until the PR,

    If you’ve agreed to leave (I assume they gave you some paperwork to sign and you foolishly signed it) there’s nothing we can do to try to help you. You shouldn’t have agreed to leave.

    >I was quite angry when they told me this, even I did nothing wrong during my work. It just feels they treated me as a fool since I am a foreigner and don’t speak good Japanese.

    Irrelevant, you agreed to leave. Hopefully you got several months salary on top as a going away present.

    I also assume you’re applying under the 10 years rule. If you’re applying under marriage it might not make a difference. HSFP it probably will since you would no longer meet the point required with 0 salary. No idea if they follow up past checking your taxes though you might still get it.

    Good luck.

  3. To any dudes here:
    Never agree to leave !
    That is a basic.
    They will use any mora harassment method to make you accept.
    You need to be mentally strong and refuse.
    Otherwise agree with the other post.
    Don’t cancel your application

  4. – **Dont cancel the application**
    – **Never sign a voluntary resignation letter** – this means they gain to lose more from firing you than if you quit.
    – even if they put you on window watching duty, **do not sign anything unless you agree**

  5. >I submit my PR application last month, so basically I have to cancel the application, the question is should I tell the immigration department immediately or can wait until my last day? I applied through HSFP point, if I could find another company that gives me enough points, can I still process the application?

    1. You don’t need to cancel until you actually experience the adverse event
    2. You agreed to inform immigration of any material change when you applied. They literally added something you sign to that effect last year
    3. I think you’d have to start over even if you have 70 points under a new job, but I don’t know. how much that would negatively impact you because you’d be eligible to apply based on points the moment you got the new job.

  6. keep the application in, and check Japanese labor law or an attorney before you agree to anything, always

  7. as a seishain, how much severance pay did they offer you? It’s difficult to fire seishains and they would have to offer you a good goodbye package

  8. You don’t have to cancel/withdraw your application.

    You do however, need to notify immigration within 14 days after your final day with you employer.

    Also, downsizing is legitimate reason for dismissal, but contest this. For example do you have Japanese colleagues in the exact same job role position as you? If so are they being dismissed too? If not then that would *potentially* be a violation of Article 3 of the Japanese labor standards act. Basically you’re seishain. Don’t give them and easy pass to get rid of you.

  9. This happens every week on Reddit.

    Do not agree to sign anything or accept any emails, without responsibility that you do not accept being let go.

    Disagree, tell them they can’t fire you, say you don’t want to leave under any conditions , and contact a lawyer immediately. They cannot just unilaterally decide to close a portion of the business and fire you.

    You needed a lawyer yesterday.

    As many of my friends have this same situation, I know of a good lawyer who can get you out of this with a good package and help you deal with a company that is cheating you, he ping you keep your mind at easy as best as possible.

    DM me for the name of a law firm I know that specializes in this. They operate in Japanese or English.

  10. Don’t cancel anything. Negotiate a six month severance… with three months garden leave…. at least. Go for a year of severance if you can. Do not sign anything the company gives you unless it has severance guarantees outlined in the document.

  11. update:

    I called FRESC and they said the company could do this, they already gave me noficiation so there is no any problem.

    Quite different from what I heard here. Did I call the wrong number?

    I will also consult lawyer to see what they say


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