How to prepare to transition from ALTing to IT.


I’m a fresh JET, I’m enjoying things very much. I’ve obviously made the logical decision that my future is in Japan based off the month I’ve lived here, and the 3 month trip I took long ago. This post isn’t about whether or not this is a sensible plan, it is the plan.

Anyhow, as we all know, ALTing, while viable, isn’t a very good long term plan to stay in Japan. My education and skills are actually in Industrial and UX/AI design, but doing those in Japan isn’t going to work until I speak a bit more Japanese than my current level – being able to tell people I don’t speak Japanese. Until I can get my Japanese level and design skills up to a much better level. That leaves working in IT if I’m not mistaken. Another popular career path for the Gaijins?

What sort of skills, qualifications and Udemy courses does one need to undertake to transition from ALTing to IT in Japan. I’m obviously highly computer literate because of my education and I have the usual JET 3-5 years to sort it all out! (And you know, learn Japanese along the way!)


1 comment
  1. You should probably wait until at least the 6 month mark before deciding that your future here is set in stone.

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