Juice Robinson | A Star in the Making

Juice Robinson | A Star in the Making

  1. A video about Juice Robinson’s continued rise to stardom.

    Feel free to be hyper critical of anything you liked or disliked. (From a wrestling perspective, commentary, editing, or even just as a fan.) I want to present y’all with a better product.

    If you enjoyed it tell me. I hope to make more videos like this for y’all in the near future 🙂

  2. Juice never clicked for me. He’s good at tag team matches but in singles he ain’t interesting.
    His gimmick is just him screaming at the camera with exaggerated facial expressions, throwing normal insults that don’t really feel offensive.
    He also tries to sound rude, but his voice is so “babyface” that I can’t take it seriously.

  3. Say what you want about AEW but Juice and Jay have been a major highlight in the company. Juice does his role so well and I think we forget he’s a good wrestler. G129 Juice had some really underrated matches.

  4. I remember juice got a lot of hate and was memes alot in his early arw stint.

    But once they actually let him do stuff you can see he’s one of the best character actors in wrestling tbh.

    He had some of my favourite character work in g132 despite the awful booking he got

  5. I still wonder what could have been if Juice beat Moxley for the US title – pandemic aside it would have been a great conclusion to his arc at the time and he could have hit the ground running as a workhorse singles guy

    I get that the direction they wanted was to push FinJuice as a major tag team and have Moxley on hand as a special attraction star to maximise as many people as possible but it rubbed me the wrong way to have him unceremoniously be beaten in that feud. Probably would have worked a lot better if he had failed to win at the original title challenge pre-WK then refocused towards the tag division

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