General Discussion Thread – 05 September 2023

Mid-week discussion thread time! Feel free to talk about what’s on your mind, new experiences, recommendations, anything really.

  1. Did the news really just say too many foreigners are being meiwaku drinking outside of convenience stores and leaving trash outside in Shibuya? I used to see mostly Japanese doing that…but because foreigners are copying Japanese and doing that, loitering I guess, they stand out so it’s just the foreigners/tourists doing it? In the video footage, they didn’t show the Japanese faces hanging out with the tourists. Cut them off haha Did they not see konbini confessions?!

  2. I am currently looking to pivot my career, but unfortunately, the conversation with recruiters starts to shut down as soon as they hear the word “education.” I am thankful to be employed currently, but job hunting is just draining….best of luck to others who are currently in the process as well.

  3. Any Tokyoites have an opinion on the future of Yebisu Garden Place? Went recently on the weekend after not visiting in a few years, and it just seemed dead. Mitsukoshi left. Sapporo Beer Station is gone – though replaced by Blue Note. And, correct me if I’m wrong, but is the entire Glass Square section where the oyster bar and a few other restaurants used to be closed down as well?

    Maybe I just went on an off day.

  4. Going to a lady stuff doctor for the first time in Japan and I’m very nervous 😅. It’s bad enough when there aren’t communication problems.

    Also, why are most of the gynecologists in Japan men? Personally I think it should be illegal lol

  5. Nothing like starting the week off with ants. Came home Monday and found ants, small ones, in the kitchen. Cleaned them up as best as I could but without being able to find out where they were coming from so, of course, there were some more in the kitchen this morning. Ugh.

  6. Getting a firsthand experience of the disinformation algorithm rabbit hole:

    JP, generally liberal, friend in her late 20`s that spends most of her free time on Tik-Tok / Youtube.

    Somehow went down the algorithm suggestion route that started with youtube videos about the movie “Sound of Freedom”. Shortly afterwards telling me she does not want to go to America because there are so many Pedos.

    and has now ended up with her thinking that the Maui Fires were caused by government officials in a secret plot to exploit children for Slavery.

    All the videos she watches are in Japanese, Shared with me the conspiracy theory videos about Maui fire and they have like 70,000+ views, done by a Japanese police officer in America.

  7. SO MANY earthquake and disaster preparedness tv shows, infomercials, news reports, campaigns and policies being made at the moment. Just seen that a bunch of phone companies have agreed to make a free wifi service available in the event of a disaster

    I know it’s inevitable. I know it’s going to happen sooner rather than later. I know it’s important to learn and prepare, and I have done so. But at this point I am absolutely scared shitless.

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