Anyone had Lipoma Surgery here?

I’m looking into getting a cluster of Lipoma removed in my upper back. My doctor in Canada found them about 8 years ago, but we left them alone because they were small and not interfering with my life at all. I moved to Japan shortly after. I haven’t followed up since moving here, but I’ve had some fairly chronic neck pain the last couple years and often have trouble sleeping comfortably.

A coworker is going to help me make an appointment to see a doctor about them and discuss having them removed, but I was wondering if anyone here had experience with this? If so, did you undergo liposuction or surgery? Approximately what was the cost? Was any of the procedure covered by insurance (national or company?) What was your recovery time like? I’ll be returning to Canada next year in late spring, and want to be sure I can fly safely.

1 comment
  1. I have got mine removed last year from the upper back at Saisekai Hospital in minato ku.

    Local anestetic surgery in day hospital. They did an MRI and blood tests about a month before to check this did not need more attention than a day hospital.

    Procedure is covered by the insurance – I think I paid 30k out of pocket. They used a shit tonne of anaesthetic (this is not always a given in jp hospitals – but the certainly bill you for it!)

    Stitches removed one week later. I was doing pull-ups 10 days later. The recovery though will depend on location, size, intra or extra muscle, adherence to fascia etc. Your doc should be able to tell you fast. But again it’s just a lipoma.

    I suggest you go to your normal doctor and get them write you a reference letter to the hospital of your choice – generally these procedures are made by the plastic surgery dept. This will avoid you a few costs like the hospital walk-in fees.

    Hope this helps.

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