Yasuhiro Sonoda denied China’s “death” rumors and apologized to Fukushima people

In October 2011, Mr. Yasuhiro Sonoda (then parliamentary vice-president of the Cabinet Office) drank purified water from the low-concentration contaminated water that had accumulated at the Tokyo Electric Power Company’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station to prove its safety. Malicious rumors claiming he died of cancer circulated on China’s Internet, and Mr. Sonoda denied the rumors in a telephone interview with Kyodo News on Sep 2nd.

Regarding the spread of false rumors triggered by his action at that time, Sonoda said, “I would like to once again apologize to those who experienced the earthquake and to the people of Fukushima Prefecture.” In China, the release of treated water from the nuclear power plant into the ocean has sparked a variety of false rumors.

In that press conference, some freelance reporters repeatedly asked Sonoda, “If you say that it does not affect the environment and your health, why not drink it?” In response, he drank the purified water.

On Chinese Internet, rumors that “Mr. Sonoda died of multiple myeloma (a type of blood cancer)” are spreading. Sonoda has already retired from politics. (Kyodo)




  1. “As China bans all seafood from Japan after the discharge of 1m tonnes of radioactive water from the ruined Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean, Beijing has been accused of hypocrisy and of using the incident to whip up anti-Japanese sentiment.

    Scientists have pointed out that China’s own nuclear power plants release wastewater with higher levels of tritium than that found in Fukushima’s discharge, and that the levels are all within boundaries not considered to be harmful to human health.”


  2. I actually encountered this argument in real life recently and I was quite shocked as I had not heard of this rumor

  3. “Mr. Sonoda denied the rumours in a telephone interview with Kyodo News.” Never happened! Because there is no evidence. Anybody can say something like that. ***Me: “Oh, Donald Trump called me last night and said he’d never met Stormy Daniels.” It’s true! Believe it! I’m not a liar! Lol***

    Show us a video of Yasuhiro Sonoda as a living person, with a newspaper showing the date(without any Photoshop editing, of course). That’d be your undeniable proof. Otherwise, it’d just be another fake claim.

  4. Most sane people dont live in China’s Qanon world like you who are demanding ‘evidence’ that he’s not dead, even though even I personally I dont like Japans media situation.

    You can always ask Sonoda yourselves on his social media… but for you lot I’m guessing thats just a zombie posting back hey.


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