help with inputting name for online orders?

hi! sorry if this gets asked a lot, but i’ve tried searching without figuring it out and i’m not sure what exactly else to search to get an answer.

when online shops ask for your name and then name in furigana, how do those of you with western names input yours? would it be [name in roman characters] [name in hiragana]? or [name in katakana] [name in hiragana]? or perhaps some other way?

similarly, i’m also not sure how to navigate sites that require your full name, and then your name in full-width kana. could someone give me an example of how to write both of these? would i write my name in latin characters or katakana?

thanks in advance, & sorry again if this is a stupid/common question.

  1. depends what the website supports.

    usually, most places will allow doing katakana for both kanji and furigana. So you can just enter ex. ジョン / ジョン for both and be done. If for some reason it bitches, you can do hiragana for kanji and katana for furigana: じょん / ジョン

    For things that need identity verification, better stick to exactly what’s on your ID documents. Usually (but not always) using FULL-WIDTH ascii in both kanji and furigana works.

    note: almost nobody actually cares about furigana field when shipping stuff. The name that will be shown on the label/etc is the regular kanji/whatever name. So for ID stuff make sure that matches.

  2. It depends. Usually Roman where the kanji name goes, all caps; then katakana for the furigana fields.

    If the website is a bit shit, then katakana in the kanji fields too. Sometimes full width Roman works.

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