Any reviews/recommendations for roach free apartment buildings? Park Axis?

Hey guys, I just moved to Tokyo and am looking to move does anyone have experience with Park Axis buildings and can tell me if they’re well-maintained? I toured one building and saw two dead roaches (in another building NOT park axis), and I wasn’t sure if it was summer in Tokyo or if I should be really worried. Do most buildings here spray? Would I be better off with a newer building as far as roaches go or should I accept my fate will involve them? If anyone has any recommendations in the 200000 yen range let me know. Thank you!!

  1. Usually roaches in an apartment comes down to three things, regardless of the company.

    One, your proximity to restaurants and other food related stores. If you’re close to an entertainment district with a lot of these types of stores, you’re going to get more roaches.

    Two, the age of the building. If it’s newer, the chances go down drastically. It’s one of the reasons why the age of a building can severely effect rent prices, and why many apartments get torn down after 25-30 years.

    Lastly, your life style. If you’re a messy person who leaves food out everywhere and doesn’t clean, you’ll eventually get roaches.

  2. Park Axis is usually on the newer side, which helps, and the one I looked at was pretty clean.

    The oldest building I lived in in Tokyo was 20+ years old and right above a conbini. Even then I never had a roach and I’ve still never had one in nearly a decade.

    Just keep your home clean, don’t leave garbage out, and pray your neighbors aren’t hoarders. With your budget you can afford a nice modern place so you’ll be fine.

  3. I just moved out of a quite new Park Axis after living there for 4 years and didn’t see a roach inside of the apartment itself but I did see a few in the common areas that are on open air – nothing terrible but I am not easily bothered by bugs anyways.

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