Weird AC Morning Routine

This is the only AC in the house that has done this (to my knowledge). It stops blowing air and starts clicking and whirring. It did this around 5:15 this morning, and it’s done it before around or maybe at the same time. When it happens it doesn’t seem to respond to inputs on the remote, despite the fact that it will beep in response to a button being pushed. It’s not a daily occurrence but when it happens the noise is enough to wake me and my wife up. Any ideas what it could be?

  1. What person above said. Also maybe overusing? I had this back in the days when I was the first time in Japan and would set the AC on like 20℃ so it would “take a break” every hour or so. But when I use the normal settings like 26℃ I don’t see that happening anymore.

  2. If it started recently, it’s probably that the room temp has reached the set temp and the AC is going into break mode.

  3. Mine does the same.
    Coincidentally 5AM is when temperature outside is the lowest, so A/C just stops working because on its opinion there’s nothing to cool down. If you set temperature setting lower the phenomenon won’t happen that often.

  4. Ours has a timer that causes it to shut down after several hours. It’s an older a/c , so no amount of fiddling with controls has helped. I commiserate with you on this struggle.

  5. I think it’s just cleaning itself. Does the same thing happen after you turn it off? Mine goes into cleaning then.

    Mine does it randomly too and I just let it do its thing, unless I really need it to keep working then I turn it off and on again.

    But I make sure to give it a break to clean at some point!

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