Getting building owner to fix something when they won’t.

Renting an apartment in a building where the air conditioning was pretty bad last year, but didn’t push it much and then summer was over. Summer this year we were reminded that the air conditioning was still inadequate (we think it’s the same age as the building (~25 years) and hence simply old and worn out) and have asked them to fix it. After four attempts (they bring an air con person in) it’s still rubbish. Difficult to sleep and the family is getting quite grouchy.

We probably should have whinged and moaned at the building owners a lot more than we have (they’re waiting until summer’s over again!), but is there anything I can actually do to force them to fix it (before next summer, obviously!). Some sort of local law or form I can fill in?

(Am in Minato if that makes a difference. )


  1. Basic maintenance (cleaning the filters and the inside of both units) is the tenant responsibility. Have you done it?

  2. Does it work?

    If it works (but just not to your standards) you don’t really have any leverage since a working unit is provided. Once it no longer functions you’d have a case. Plus they *did* make an attempt.

    Could you possibly look into portable a/c units to compensate? Those are becoming more and more popular.

  3. Surprised to hear this, I think I must have good apartment owners.

    My A/C started making this whizzing sound and with the jump in electricity price, the 2006 A/C was getting to be quite a pain.

    I just told them it was loud and making it hard for me to sleep and asked them to replace it. The new one is quiet.

    Sometimes phrasing these issues in a different way might help. Is there anything really wrong with that AC? Does it lack sealant? Did a bug come out of it? Did it make a noise? Did it stop working?

    Also, I think almost everything after 10 years almost everything but the floor gets reassigned a value of zero so they should be replacing it if you request it.

    Since it’s fortunately getting colder out, try again in a month or two with all the issues you can notice before it gets too cold.

    In the mean time buy some icepacks for your neck from amazon. Those will help you fall asleep.

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