Hiring programs in Japan for high functioning autistic people?

Moving to Japan soon and was wondering what I should look for first. Recently diagnosed and want to search for something suitable for me. Heard that SAP, Microsoft and EY have their own ND hiring programs. Any organisations that would help in figuring out special skills and match with suitable jobs or help connect with companies where ASD support is available?

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    **Hiring programs in Japan for high functioning autistic people?**

    Moving to Japan soon and was wondering what I should look for first. Recently diagnosed and want to search for something suitable for me. Heard that SAP, Microsoft and EY have their own ND hiring programs. Any organisations that would help in figuring out special skills and match with suitable jobs or help connect with companies where ASD support is available?

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  2. Being kinda blunt: I would be *amazed* if these sorts of programs existed in Japan.

    Autism awareness/understanding here is years behind where it’s at in the west. It’s still treated as a defect. The R word gets thrown around a lot. No one would willingly publicly label themselves ND, so there’s no motivation for companies to implement those sorts of programs.

  3. I work for a large company, and we are are always looking for people with disabilities, but we do not offer a lot of support for them. We expect those people (like anyone else) to be able to perform the role, so instead we try to match the person with the right role in order for them to be successful. I know a few folks who have ASD (I am pretty sure that is what it is) who also successful Software Engineers, who do not require additional support in order to perform their role. As /u/dalky82 said, I would also be surprised if you were able to find a company that provided such support programs.

  4. What kinda job are you qualified for and want? Start there. The kind of jobs training support you’d get here probably would make you sad. They literally create jobs to do repetitive tasks that require no skill. Think stapling papers together or folding papers for mail. It’s not a livable wage just something for ND to do.

    Normally IM a big advocate for not being shy about your diagnosis. But really there are almost no upsides here sharing it with an employer or society at all.

    That being said. It’s actually great for job training. Most jobs assume you know nothing and will teach you about everything you need to do the job, usually not really letting you do the job by yourself for months. If you can follow a script you can do great here. Probably one of the most important skills is to look busy all the time.

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